Can't find good HITs? 10/24

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by ashliturk, Oct 24, 2012.


What Has Been You Best mTurk Day? (Submitted)

  1. $0.oo - $5.oo

    2 vote(s)
  2. $5.oo - $10.oo

    9 vote(s)
  3. $10.oo - $15.oo

    4 vote(s)
  4. $15.oo - $20.oo

    8 vote(s)
  5. $20.oo - $25.oo

    7 vote(s)
  6. $25.oo - $30.oo

    8 vote(s)
  7. $30.oo - $40.oo

    12 vote(s)
  8. $40.oo - $50.oo

    8 vote(s)
  9. $50.oo - $100.oo

    16 vote(s)
  10. Over $100.oo

    8 vote(s)
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  1. Jahanzeb

    Jahanzeb User

  2. saladpope

    saladpope User

    NetMSI - they aren't too bad and they pay okay but be prepared to be...well if not shocked, perhaps startled. People have had reject issues with them before (myself included) but it was for legit reasons that they explained, IMO.

    Plus - you are being paid to look at porn! All your friends will be soooooooo jealous :)
  3. WCH

    WCH User

    I hate it when I do dumb things like read "Please leave this blank" and then click a radio button anyway.
  4. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -'s a 25 minute timer... o_O
  5. Zorathian

    Zorathian User

  6. yo, Z
    check your pm's
  7. Moutheater

    Moutheater User

    My husbands friends say he's "so lucky" and I'm "so lucky"
    All I have to say is "Smurf porn" and they stfu.
  8. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    stuck at 965 approved for hours
    1000+ req batch hits gettin posted
  9. 2 bucks shy from my daily goal ughhhh
  10. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    I have never done a survey where the suggested amount of time was remotely close to actual time. some say an hour and are done in 10 mins. others say 10 mins and take 45 mins. I dont even look at those times anymore.
  11. Qubana

    Qubana User

    I started's legit way to long...I bet whoever reads these surveys thinks I'm the most fucked up person ever and should not be let out onto the streets.
  12. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    For those who did the nada hashmi hit this morning, it is approved and paid! :)
  13. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    Ya way to long i got to question 22...which was 3 pages long. thats when i had enough. and this was the beginning of my lie lol. If they were gona take me all the way to present day i would have been there for an hour easy.
  14. granit

    granit User

  15. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

  16. ivycreek

    ivycreek User

  17. debsstuff

    debsstuff User

    Nope won't let me do those either. I tried.
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