Can't Find Good Hits 10/11/12

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by tbanny, Oct 11, 2012.

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  1. saladpope

    saladpope User

    I would actually have a little bit of respect for him if he paid, but his TO is shit. So instead of just being an enterprising plagiarist (which is bad enough), he is a thief. Not that all plagiarists aren't, of course...I guess I should not have been surprised.
  2. dottommytm

    dottommytm User

    I havent hated a survey more than this UCLA Social Perception Study
    dont even waste your time.
  3. This morning right before the whole mass rejection debacle, 33cube had a few thousand hits up. After a lot of people started contacting them and complaining, I went to check on the hits...all vanished.
  4. DontenX

    DontenX Member

    Well, this is pretty sad that im excited for this but i just broke a dollar :D now to do tax info : \ i really hate how excited i got when i saw my 2 hours of messin around finally break 1$ haha
  5. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Haha I wasn't mass rejected and did over a thousand, but I did notice that once the complaints started, today's batch ended real fast.
  6. Matt

    Matt User

    Yeah....if a batch came up I would be tempted, not going to lie....but I think I'd rather keep my account in good standing than risk another 600 rejections that might not be over turned.
  7. granit

    granit User

    Soon you'll see $10, $100, and even $1000 :cool:
  8. dottommytm

    dottommytm User

    I did about 150 of this mornings batch, most approved already :)
  9. granit

    granit User

  10. Bertha

    Bertha User

    How? I try and try to speed myself up and no matter what batch it is I can never do them as quick as some of you. Once the whole rejectgate settled down, I did a few but they went quick, I probably only got 20, if that, in.
  11. Matt

    Matt User

    The 33cube ones, once I got in a rhythm they took me 7-8 seconds each doing quality work. If I wasn't paying much attention I probably could of got it down to ~4 seconds. I had it set to auto approve next HIT, put on some music, and just focused and flew through. It almost becomes autonomous if you get a good batch like that.
  12. granit

    granit User

    Calling it a night, see you guys at the break of dawn.

  13. saladpope

    saladpope User

    It is a flow state thing, almost. You just learn to stop seeing what is in front of you unless it is the exact thing you need to look at, everything else is noise. Then the next thing you know an hour has passed and you have done several hundred batch HITs :)
  14. dottommytm

    dottommytm User

  15. Bertha

    Bertha User

    You'll eventually find what works for you. The most popular for newbies are all the ones you've already heard about. Crowdsource, Crowdflower, Oscar...after a while we all think we are superior to them unless Crowdflower post some worthwhile Hits(rare), Crowdsource will put up some surprising Hits more often and Oscar, those never change, but they are all part of the process. Everyone at one point has worked on those Hits, even though a lot of us will eventually get over them and only work on them when desperate or those few worthwhile ones show up. You'll find what you like. Like Granit said, making $1 will turn to $10 and $10 will turn to $100. This turking thing is all about being patient and persistent. Some of us start turking at 5/6am and will continue well past midnight. I have a kid, so I turk while she's at school, while she is doing homework that doesn't require my help and later when she goes to bed.

    Good luck, read the threads, and use common sense.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2012
  16. Bertha

    Bertha User

    Next huge batch, I will try. It's so hard to shut my mind off of all the little chatter, but I will learn.
  17. Matt

    Matt User

    My rule of thumb is to stay a little below or at minimum wage while working on HITs. So if the surveys, batches, whatever aren't paying enough to keep me at at least at $6.00 or more, I stop them. There is a timer script in the scripts part of the forum that is great. I personally start/stop it when i start/finish a HIt, I don't leave it running during down time because I'm typically doing other things anyway.

    For instance, right now I'm at:

    Worked today: 24m 38s (~$6.55 = $15.95/h)

    I've worked about 25min, made ~6.55, so im roughly pulling in 16 an hour. Not a lot of $ for the day, but most of my day I could turk because of the 33cube stuff, so ill take it.
  18. saladpope

    saladpope User

    When I am doing batch work, I listen to audiobooks and/or podcasts sometimes, music other times. Depends, kind of - if it is something non language-oriented like porn or the 33cube HITs or whatever it is all about the audiobook :)
  19. DontenX

    DontenX Member

    thanks for all the advice, it gets alot easier knowing that what your working towards besides ofc a check hopefully, im just bouncing between the noobie ones you guys mentioned and i just switch between as i feel like it, i was doing some oscars and one of the cards was upside down... so i decided lets go look at some other ones hah, but thanks guys and keep it up :D
  20. Matt

    Matt User

    Most decent surveys are posted here btw
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