Approved Pending All day long

Discussion in 'General' started by mscynni, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. mscynni

    mscynni User

    Anyone else having this problem. It would make me feel better. I have close to $50 that is sitting there that is approved pending payment from yesterday and today. No payments at all today. Getting scarey cause I do not hear anyone else talking about that. I transferred this morning with no issues.:smow:
  2. Do you mean your hits say, Pending or do they say Approved, Pending Payment?

    Sorry, I just read that you said Approved, pending payment. This is pretty normal. Sometimes the system lags really slow. And transfers money really slow from your Mturk account to your Payments account. I've had days it barely moved, then other days it transferred 100.+ in one day. Wouldn't worry about it. Sometimes it will sit on a certain number for hours.
  3. mscynni

    mscynni User

    Thanks yesterday's finally went through. Makes me feel better. Black Friiday coming up gotta have money.

  4. I feel you. I have a lot pending. Upwards of a couple hundred. I'm hoping they start processing before black friday. lol
  5. TurkinAway

    TurkinAway User

    I have had quite a few MedCrowd hits Approved - Pending Payment since last night. Grrr.
  6. jeevsud

    jeevsud Active Member

    Yeah ....I noticed this occurrence over the last couple of days. Normally it takes 2-3 hours to convert to the 'paid' status, but my HITS have been in "approved-pending" status since yesterday.
    Must be a system glitch.
  7. rock turker

    rock turker Active Member

    Same problem with me too, yesterday i did Two lakes hits , some of them already paid, and some Approved pending.

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