Amir Elaguizy -- Choose product gender male, female or unisex

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by Playa_hamm420, Aug 26, 2012.

  1. Did a around 100 hella fast cheap worthless penny hits..

    Bulk up if he pays.. we'll find out... 0 TO Rating.. very opinion subjective hits on some of the items like luggage n sports wear slippers.. so on so forth.. we'll see what happens.
  2. Let us know how it turns out for you!
  3. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    Definitely let us know how this one turns out. I wish I had seen these, I would have gave it a try!
  4. Still no updates rejections approvals nada.
  5. Bump... Still nothing... Wish i would have posted the damn auto approval time.
  6. gem0303

    gem0303 New Member

    I submitted 24 of these and it's still pending. :\
  7. Bump........... Still pending...................... This asshole is holding up the last of my god damn money! ARG! I want it now!!!!!!!!!!! Eather these will all approve tomorrow at day 20.. or 11 more days till day 30.
  8. They all approved.. A wooping 1.09$ :\ god i thought they were worth more then a penny i waited 30 fucking days for a dollar...
  9. playa I didn't know you were back!

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