50 cent surveys about video games

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by ld1302, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. ld1302

    ld1302 User


    If this link doesn't work, just search John Jacob in the Mturk search bar.

    Great TO, and the surveys themselves are a lot of bubbles, but took me around 6 minutes to do. There are a large variety of them for all game genres. Some people might find them boring, but I'm a huge video game addict, so it was pretty fun!

    There are 13 surveys up right now, corresponding to different video game genres.

    I apologize if the format is not correct, this is my first time posting in the Great HITS subsection >_<
  2. Trantice

    Trantice User

    This is great, I am doing the FPS one right now. I am also a video game junkie. I just picked up CS:GO and I love it!! The survey is a little messed up though...I hope there is not an issue here.
  3. dsm_dolouz

    dsm_dolouz User

    ^ how is it? PC or console?

    FUUU! I finally find a survey that is right up my ally.. and I don't qualify.
  4. Trantice

    Trantice User

    I got it for PC, the real way to play FPS. It is awesome!!! I also recently bought Final Fantasy 7 for the PC which was just released. I love the FF franchise, so I did the RPG survey also. I will hold off on any other HITs right now thought until I get approved.
  5. dsm_dolouz

    dsm_dolouz User

    I miss playing on the PC.. I haven't played CS since 2001. Always played that and DoD. Good times! I've always had a console since the Atari/Nintendo days, but I'm saving up for a gaming PC and about to make the big switch.
  6. johng74

    johng74 Active Member

    I am a huge Oblivion and Skyrim fan but didn't see a category for rpg's
  7. dsm_dolouz

    dsm_dolouz User

    Anybody know if you can do multiples? I.E. 1 FPS, 1 RPG, 1 Sports..etc. I haven't seen anything that says otherwise.
  8. Trantice

    Trantice User

    I did FPS, RPG and Platformer. I haven't been approved on any though, and I was scared to do anymore.
  9. dsm_dolouz

    dsm_dolouz User

    Yeah, I noticed I finally hit the 50 approved so I went ahead and did the FPS and the RPG. Like you, I'm apprehensive of doing anymore..

    I was looking for where I could get in touch with the guy, but then I saw it expires in 17 hrs. I'm not even sure if it's worth it at this point.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2012
  10. Trantice

    Trantice User

    Just as a fun little add to this, for RPG I picked Final Fantasy 7. I recently bought the PC edition that Square Enix just released. It is identical to the original but there are some nice additions such as achievements and cloud saves (pun intended). It is a personal favorite game! It's obvious I chose the new Counter Strike game for my FPS. For the platformer, I picked Trine which I just got through a Humble bundle. Very fun and underestimated game.
  11. dsm_dolouz

    dsm_dolouz User

    For the FPS I picked BF3, still need to buy CS:GO. I think I might wait until I get enough for a gaming PC though. For my RPG I picked Demon Souls. I think they released it for PC, but I dunno how well it ported over from console. It's really, really hard.. easily the most challenging game I've played.

    My Top 3 were: God Of War II, GTA: San Andreas, Metal Gear Solid 3. Can you tell I've played almost exclusively console since 2001? :D

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