Can't Find Good HITs? 11/30

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by mtnsurf, Nov 30, 2012.

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  1. vikvaughn

    vikvaughn User

    awesome, my other hotel rewrite just approved. I think I only wrote three sentences for that one! not bad for 2.50
  2. I missed your reply, thank you I did send him a message.
  3. Oh and I thank you also Blazed!
  4. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    can't... stop... doing hotel reviews... but i really wanna get in on these lazzaros, get past 10,000 finally...
  5. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    wait i'm confused, what do u mean by "his answer" what answer?
  6. MandyB

    MandyB User

    He just took off the qual for the HIT :D

    EDIT: Strange, I don't think I have the qual, but it still says the qual is needed.
    What about you guys?
  7. Well I have just been writing the email down plus checking the box, hopefully being too careful will not get me a reject.
  8. davis0298

    davis0298 User

    I know some people don't like readabl, but their .01 approve almost immediately. I have had very few rejections. I think like 10 out of 1000 that I have done, and I expected them because I knew I mistyped some things. It is a quick way to get your numbers up.
  9. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    the requester's response that you should put whatever it was that you mentioned to him
    sorry my brain is fried, i should stop posting, all i can think of is free shuttle service to the e-cig store so i can pick up diet pills in downtown grand rapids before i hit up the local la quinta inn prior to my flight...
  10. Cool Lazzaro HITs are up for me now thank you Jenni.
  11. Blazed

    Blazed User

    Where do see that? I still see qual I need to refresh my cookies.
  12. Mumuudd

    Mumuudd User

    How long does it usually take Lazzaro to approve? I'm going to stop for now.
  13. Blazed

    Blazed User

    He said if you find an email and enter it in the box you dont have to check it off, you can just press ENTER.
  14. Blazed

    Blazed User

    I was approved + bonus the next day on the last batch..
  15. iceblink

    iceblink User

    It's selfish but I pray that qual stays haha i'm planning to work on those aaaaaaall day tomorrow :)!
  16. dottommytm

    dottommytm User

    How many are you guys managing to do per minute?
  17. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    Sorry if I'm missing it in the thread, but what is the email address for Mike Lazzaro? I can't message him from my dashboard since I haven't done his hits.
  18. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

  19. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    i asked sort of a "which one" question. I could have worded that better. i sent The "bad url" option is for when the networksolutions ho is site comes up but the company does not show OR is the option only for when the networksolutions whois page does not open?
    and he responded "correct thanks"
    but now that i'm looking at it again, maybe he was saying correct to the second part.
  20. chicago17

    chicago17 User

    i emailed him and was in in less than 5 minutes. working them now and flying!
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