What are you Turking for?

Discussion in 'General' started by kayk111, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. kayk111

    kayk111 User

    Just wondering what everyone is Turking for. Is it to make a living, pay some bills, fun money or supplemental income? I'll start first.
    I am very fortunate/blessed so I mainly Turk for my daughters. They like going to Six Flags, pool and the mall to walk around and have a cookie and a slushy. I also Turk to buy gifts for my husband so that I don't have to use his money to buy his gifts. Oh, and gas money, I do a lot of volunteer work during the day and gas prices are outrages. So, what are you Turking for?
  2. i turk for my pocket money...been just a month into this ...earned 60$ tilll now :)
  3. Sayantan

    Sayantan User

    I Turk for my gf, so that I can buy her things. And keep her financially more happy.
  4. BMW-M3

    BMW-M3 User

    I turk to dump money in the pit- photography.

    Eyeing the 70-300 lens which costs around USD 600.
  5. kayk111

    kayk111 User

    It is good to communicate with such a diverse group and Sayantan you have a lucky gf.
  6. seesaw

    seesaw Active Member

    To afford my overgrowing greed for gaming and other activities that my parents wont pay for anymore,cus i got 2.4 gpa in my first semester in college :D lol
  7. seesaw

    seesaw Active Member

    Evergrowing *
  8. kolevski

    kolevski User

    Just buying games , nothing else lol. Usually takes me 5 days to get 60$ or so for new game release.
  9. appuceles

    appuceles Active Member

    For Fun...lol....
  10. zinni

    zinni User

    This is my main source of income. So, it's for everything.

    (Grabs cyberguitar) Or, in the immortal words of Spinal Tap...

    "You know what I need. You know what I want.
    You know what I need, or maybe you don't.
    Do I really have to come right out and tell you everything?
    Gimme some money..."

    Or the Beatles come to mind...

    "The say the best things in life are free, but that's not nearly enough for me.
    Just give me money. (That's what I want)..."

    Or maybe Pink Floyd...hey, wait! Where's everyone going?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2012
  11. Danthony

    Danthony User

    Hey Zinni for real my amp gOes to13
  12. Spidermmm

    Spidermmm User

    Main source of income for me.
  13. PhobicTurk

    PhobicTurk User

    100% of the monthly pet food. I roll a certain amount over into Amazon GC's, then buy dog and cat food in bulk combining them with the $25 super saving free shipping, plus the 'buy together and save' promos.

    Also I buy bulk nonperishable grocery items like coffee, tea, flour, yeast, oatmeal, cereal, vitamins, paper towels, toilet paper... anything I can find in bulk that offers the free shipping. We live pretty far out in the country, so going to the grocery store or WalMart is a huge distance and very expensive gas wise. I try to stock up using GC's as much as possible to minimize running out, as well as reduce our regular monthly grocery bill.
  14. BMW-M3

    BMW-M3 User

    I only wish Amazon would allow us to transfer the money directly to a bank with at par exchange rates and without any processing fees.

    Would save me the embarrassment of asking my dad for my monthly expense. Seesh.
  15. FullWolfMoon

    FullWolfMoon Member

    I turk to save up for buying gifts (something I rarely can afford on my budget) for friends and family, and for frivolous items for myself. I may also use it to pay for netflix and/or other online premium services that I can't see spending money on most of the time.
  16. chicken patty

    chicken patty New Member

    this is my job right now. ...sigh.
  17. IndianBossy

    IndianBossy Active Member

    This is my main source for money as off now.
  18. pat.d

    pat.d New Member

    I turk for gas money and things I need for the house...
  19. BMW-M3

    BMW-M3 User

    Finally, bought this with my earnings. Long live the fair requesters. scammers, you rot in hell.

    Attached Files:

  20. acustic

    acustic User

    Being unemployed I have a lot of time and no money, so Mturk is a way to get some stuff I wish I had but can't afford, even if it's hard to find stuff that ship to my country, and when I do find them they are overpriced, it's still worth it I say.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2012

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