Can't Find a Plethora of Good HITs? 6/18 Wonderfully Winning Wednesday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Jun 18, 2014.

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  1. Wiggles

    Wiggles Popular Stranger

    Need one too. Don't know if any of the ones on Craigslist are legit tho..
  2. Apaullo

    Apaullo Multi Pennyaire

  3. That good? SHit I always wondered. But I dont like being touch in my feet. I tend to kick out. weird spasm.
  4. jTurker

    jTurker User

    I dont have to go over there, because you unfortunately have shown how you act right here. I cant help that you are an insufferable douche-bag.
  5. Dont worry. No hits means mturk shutting down. You may panic now.
  6. Monica

    Monica User

  7. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

  8. Wiggles

    Wiggles Popular Stranger

    I wish

    ENDOR Cellphone Screenshot HITS
    Heather Walters HIT (that I am qual'd for. with a $22 payment)
    Sergey's Youtube HITS

    All in one day....I could dream...Would be a great Birthday Present from Amazon =)
  9. Monica

    Monica User

  10. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

  11. Most of those places do full body massages if feet aren't your thing. they don't charge as much as you'd think, either.

    This was an hour long, started with a foot soak in hottish-water, then she rubbed some oil on them and did some rubbing, then she took hot stones and used those on my feet and legs

    it was heaven, alright
  12. xailos

    xailos User

  13. cheevolver

    cheevolver User

    How come I can't find these rnr hits everyone talks about? I type rnr in the search and nothing comes up. :S
  14. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    Hot damn

  15. There is a pressure point at the top of your thigh you can push down on and then you won't have that spasm reaction to the feeling of someone touching your feet. Also, if they are well-trained, they will push down on another pressure point on your foot that helps. It's what gets the ticklish girls through their share of being the model in cosmetology school (gotta practice those pedicures!).
  16. Bald

    Bald User

    ProductRnR is the requester
  17. Monica

    Monica User

    i'm dying.

  18. [​IMG]
  19. EyeApps

    EyeApps User

    Question: do you use Google or Facebook? How much do they pay you per hour? Oh, that's right. You realize they're making money from you and paying you $0, right? Do you think free search engines should be illegal too?

    People frequently read funny things on the internet for free. We're offering them the ability to make money while doing it, and it turns out that a lot of people really appreciate that opportunity. We get e-mails every day from workers who are really happy to actually get to do something more entertaining than the majority of boring tasks otherwise available -- even for less money. Believe it or not, some people would rather get paid $3 to have fun reading jokes for an hour than $7 to do something mind-numbingly boring. Other people would rather make as much money as possible, and that's great too. We're not asking anyone to do our hits if they don't think they're the best use of their time, whatever "best" means to them personally. Heck, maybe you think our jokes are so bad that you'd rather bang your head against a wall than rate them for free... that's cool too.

    We're a tiny company and have no external investment or funding so far. If we had to pay twice as much per hit, we simply wouldn't be here at all, because we couldn't afford it. We're literally spending all of our cash flow on you guys. If we went away, that wouldn't help anyone.

    The idea that we have an obligation to provide everyone in the world with enough money to support a family doesn't make sense. Legally, AMT workers are independent contractors paid to do specific tasks. If you think that framework should be illegal, you can complain to the government. But the fact that we're paying people money to rate funny stuff is not causing anyone to be worse off. If we disappeared, it wouldn't cause other requesters to start paying you more. In fact, the more requesters there are competing for the same workers, the more they'll have to pay to get you to do their tasks. So if you want to see higher pay on AMT, the last thing you want to do is encourage requesters -- even low paying ones -- to go away. Remember, every time a worker does an eyeApp hit, they're leaving a (likely) higher paying hit available for you to do. It's simple: more requesters = higher wages for you, *even if* you don't want to do a given requester's hits. That may be counterintuitive, but it's true. If your goal is to have the most high-paying hits available, the fact that our workers are leaving them for you is actually a good thing.
  20. One time I dreamed I was a rabbit and a fox caught me and ripped me in half and swallowed the pieces. It was freaky.
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