Can't find good HITs? 11/20

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by turkster88, Nov 20, 2012.


What Is Your Goal For Today?

  1. $0.oo - $5.oo

    14 vote(s)
  2. $5.oo - $10.oo

    25 vote(s)
  3. $10.oo - $15.oo

    24 vote(s)
  4. $15.oo - $25.oo

    27 vote(s)
  5. $25.oo - $50.oo

    25 vote(s)
  6. Over $50.oo

    8 vote(s)
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  1. Survey about social relationships
    Requester: SUNYOUNG LEE
    HIT Expiration Date: Nov 27, 2012 (6 days 23 hours)
    Time Allotted: 2 hours
    Reward: $2.50
    HITs Available: 1

    Good TO. I finished in about 6 minutes. It was a very quick survey for $2.50 which makes me a bit nervous. But then, I don't have any rivals, so if you do, perhaps the survey would be longer.
  2. Survey about your opinions on job choices (Takes around 15 minutes)
    Requester: Andy Yap x
    HIT Expiration Date: Nov 27, 2012 (6 days 22 hours)
    Time Allotted: 60 minutes
    Reward: $0.70
    HITs Available: 1

    8 mins
  3. VSUTurker

    VSUTurker User

    1000 HITs qual
  4. Choose a Representative Restaurant Photo
    Requester: JohnK x
    HIT Expiration Date: Nov 25, 2012 (4 days 23 hours)
    Time Allotted: 30 minutes
    Reward: $0.04
    HITs Available: 12506

    >5000 approved hits
  5. Rawrtin

    Rawrtin User

    His T.O is really good. Does anyone know how long he takes to approve or if he rejects at all?
  6. dottommytm

    dottommytm User

    Title: UC Irvine FormFiller study (~20 minutes, $2 reward)
    Requester: Bart Knijnenburg [A2I8ERVTRLNRI7] (TO)
    Description: We are testing a new tool that makes it easier to fill out online forms.
    Reward: $2.00
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 96, Total approved HITs is greater than 50, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys ��[/size]​

    took me 14 mins
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2012
  7. bitler2000

    bitler2000 User

    Same here, I didn't have any rivals and I screwed around a little while I was doing it, and it took me 7 1/2 minutes.
  8. TurkinGal

    TurkinGal User

    Hey guys, if anybody else is working on these Newman HITs and finding that some of these firms no longer exist but are stumbling upon new firms that these lawyers have created or changed over to, don't list those domains on the HIT. I emailed the requester to ask what to do in the cases where the law firm clearly doesn't exist but you can see where one or more of the lawyers are now employed at a new firm...she said to mark it N/A.
  9. j0sh

    j0sh User

    Title: 15-minute Group Behavior Study
    Requester: UC-Berkeley Sociology [A1NM366GM06OMP] (TO)
    Description: In this study, you will take a group task with other participants. The basic payment is $1. You also have a chance to win a $100 group award.
    Reward: $1.00
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys ��[/size]​

    If it already has been posted I apologize. Just saw the $100 bonus reward and thought I would throw it up.
  10. Jak

    Jak User

    Should have said I didn't have a rival. Damn.
  11. Swig5

    Swig5 User

    Maybe Medcrowd isn't posting today??
  12. marcialoyd

    marcialoyd User

  13. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

  14. hottovix

    hottovix User

  15. dottommytm

    dottommytm User

    He told me yesterday that he was -___-
  16. laneuffer

    laneuffer Banned

  17. Took me 20 minutes, but then I was worried about their emphasis on decent quality work, so I made sure to comment in a lot of the optional boxes.
  18. I did about 5 test hits last time he had a batch up and they were approved the same day. But it was a much smaller batch and my hits were approved after the batch ended, so he might take longer to pay this time.
  19. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    I dont remember who listed:

    'How do YOU think and decide? A fast and informative survey!'

    Requester: AW Group Intl Reward: $0.50 per HIT

    But if anyone else was thinking about doing it...its like 30 mins for 50 cents...I would rethink it if I were you lol
  20. dottommytm

    dottommytm User

    These JohnK are great
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