Can't Find a Plethora of Good HITs? 6/18 Wonderfully Winning Wednesday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Jun 18, 2014.

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  1. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

  2. Wiggles

    Wiggles Popular Stranger





    EDIT: Seems like the Plethora week...
  3. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    Just want to say here that my brother is a diehard Randian.

    Because of this, I've read the monstrosities that are Atlas Shrugged, the fountainhead, the New Intellectual essay collection, and Anthem.

    I find Mark Twain to be the proper refutation of Ayn Rand and Libertarianism.
  4. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    one would hope it would be plethoric lol
  5. Placenta what?
  6. xailos

    xailos User

  7. Monica

    Monica User

  8. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    "There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs." -- John Rogers
  9. Wiggles

    Wiggles Popular Stranger

    wtf...I think I may need to go to sleep cause of that last gif =\

  10. [​IMG]

    On a less serious but equally important note to sane people this show will be missed. This season flew by quicker than all the rest and there's so much story left to tell that can't be told in one last episode. I'm totally bummed by the fact that the show is ending next week.
  11. MarySunshine

    MarySunshine Active Member

    Crowd Source has some Grade A Question HITs up for those who want a good HIT and need numbers.
  12. Spear

    Spear User

  13. I'm several seasons behind but I intend to pick it back up at some point. Feels like if nothing else I've missed many great boobs at this point.
  14. elt

    elt User

  15. Delphy

    Delphy User

    for me the show ended last season - I got half-way through this one and I was done!

    on a positive note some superfish would make me sing (even the cheaper ones)
  16. Bald

    Bald User

    Takes less then a minute each once you get past instructions, 3 diff batches

    Title: Follow the rules and correct the highlighted text. One-time tutorial page. 8 Paid tasks, each takes at most 10 seconds.
    Requester: Stephen Joe Jonany [A2XW8MDHGU9SLR] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    4.20 Communicativity
    4.00 Generosity
    4.33 Fairness
    4.17 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 6
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Given some text and a highlighted portion, the task is to correct the highlight following a provided rulebook.
    Time: 2 hours
    Reward: $0.20
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95, Location is US

    Title: Follow the rules and correct the highlighted text. One-time tutorial page. 8 Paid tasks, each takes at most 10 seconds.
    Requester: Stephen Joe Jonany [A2XW8MDHGU9SLR] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    4.20 Communicativity
    4.00 Generosity
    4.33 Fairness
    4.17 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 6
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Given some text and a highlighted portion representing a person name, the task is to correct the highlight following a provided rulebook.
    Time: 2 hours
    Reward: $0.15
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95, Location is US

    Title: Follow the rules and correct the highlighted text. One-time tutorial page. 8 Paid tasks, each takes at most 10 seconds.
    Requester: Stephen Joe Jonany [A2XW8MDHGU9SLR] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    4.20 Communicativity
    4.00 Generosity
    4.33 Fairness
    4.17 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 6
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Given some text and a highlighted portion, the task is to correct the highlight following a provided rulebook.
    Time: 2 hours
    Reward: $0.15
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95, Location is US
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2014
  17. wow2006

    wow2006 User

    I think a lot of people get put off by the instructions, but this guy has been posting regularly the past few days and the HITs really are quick to do once you get the hang of it. Plus he's a really nice guy and great communicator if you have any questions.
  18. Apaullo

    Apaullo Multi Pennyaire


    lets make that money like a ninja

    everyone have a winning day. :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2014
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