Can't find good HITs? 11/15

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by naisybee, Nov 15, 2012.


How Old Are You?

  1. 18-25

    53 vote(s)
  2. 26-30

    39 vote(s)
  3. 31-40

    48 vote(s)
  4. 41-50

    13 vote(s)
  5. 51+

    10 vote(s)
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  1. So what do you do with search pages?
  2. leelu

    leelu User

    He said to just base it on what the search was, if it was "winter boots" it would go under shopping, "hotels" would be travel etc...
  3. granit

    granit User

  4. Phase

    Phase User

    This one isn't worth it in my book. It took me almost 20 minutes. It's 99% bubble questions too.
  5. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Has anyone gotten rejections from NetMSi from the tagging images HIT? I'm debatin' whether to jump in on those.
  6. zartonis

    zartonis User

  7. Phase

    Phase User

    I only see the English one there (doesn't specify language) -- you have to request the qualification. (Instant approval)

    Here's a direct link to the HIT, too:

    Edit: I thought about doing them, but then I saw their TO:
  8. dw33b

    dw33b User

    In general NetMSI only rejects the naming HITs. Just do quality work and you should be fine.
  9. Madhur

    Madhur User

    Anyone Is Amazon Requester Inc. (Compass) safe.Does they mass reject ?
  10. hottovix

    hottovix User

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2012
  11. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    The ones I did for him yesterday all approved.
  12. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

  13. anne53

    anne53 User

    I tried this but where was the story? I saw a video but then it went straight to a question screen and seemed to assume I read a story. I returned it and emailed the requester. I am tired of returning hits because I think I am doing something wrong. Sometimes I get so involved in them the timer runs out - that has happened maybe twice - so I got my kitchen timer, but this is just creepy. It's like part of the survey isn't there. I am being careful. If it is me, I want to know. If it is my browser, I want to know. If it is something else, then I want to know. Ok, done ranting.
  14. hottovix

    hottovix User

    I'm up to .72 now with 3 more rounds to go
  15. pjk1979

    pjk1979 Member

  16. zeezey

    zeezey User

    Well the tim edwards email hits finally ran out.
  17. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    Yes, that survey was very glitchy. I left them a comment telling them as much. Usually, as long as you can get thru it and then email the requester letting them know you had problems, you'll be fine. That's been my experience anyway. Also, I didn't get a story either, just a video.
  18. hottovix

    hottovix User

    add another .36 cents....this game is a fun break from turking!
  19. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    no more tim hits... wat do??
  20. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    I've been doing super searches. I did a batch for them before with no rejects. I'm going all in this time.
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