Can't find good HITs? 11/15

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by naisybee, Nov 15, 2012.


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  1. 18-25

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  1. Survey for research in cognitive psychology - 17 questions



    They say about 10 minutes, took me about 5.
  2. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    How long does it take to become a trusted worker for oscar? I'd do more for .05.
  3. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    naisy, i used the logitech marble mouse for a long time, i personally loved it and for graphic design i thought it was a lot more precise than a regular mouse. i did feel that while my forearm/carpal tunnel felt better, the carpals in hand from my knuckles to my wrist would hurt from too much use. guess it's a tradeoff? but yeah a lot of people don't like them that much, i personally miss mine, plus it was ambidextrous, which is much nicer than a lot of stuff from the mainly right-handed-geared mouse industry

    also morning everyone
    time to coffee up
  4. Cathalain

    Cathalain User

    They go by a numerical "score". After you do a bunch (I guess to gauge your accuracy rate), it'll automatically come up on the profile as you're doing the HIT. My score was 90 when I got the qual, so I think that's the minimum - I started out at 88 and didn't have it then.

    I think you can also request it, though.

    EDIT - I copy down EVERYTHING on the card - whether it's spelled right or not, whether it makes sense or not. That's exactly how he apparently wants it. When I started out, I was correcting spelling errors and my quality score went down...
  5. Weezy

    Weezy Banned

  6. Vitalis

    Vitalis Banned

    If you guys think so.

    Maybe when you guys get 20 or 30,000 hits into this, you will see things differently. Personally, I would not risk a rejection and my approval percentage on a .01 hit.
  7. hold-it

    hold-it User

    Shit shit shit shit

    Image Sourcing is rejecting. 3 so far :twitch:
  8. I agree. I usually chance some rejections if the payoff is good > .08 but unless it's a sure thing like Set Master (where are they anyway?) I can't justify it.
  9. When did they post?
  10. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    I love how crowdflower lies. It's 17 pages with several questions on most pages, not 17 questions. LOL
  11. Vitalis

    Vitalis Banned

    Well also HaikuGemini, with setmaster you are talking about clicking a single radio button and the hit taking less than 5 seconds, so the pay is significantly greater than the hit I was referring to.
  12. rcb83

    rcb83 User

    Fortunately, they auto approved most within five minutes last night. I still have two pending...
  13. I won't do penny hits unless they are that quick. Which hit group are you talking about?
  14. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    I only did about 10. I do err on the side of caution as well. I don't go crazy unless I know it's a good requester from my own experience.
  15. granit

    granit User

    Person Name: Ms Robin Hood

    Just made my day :D
  16. hold-it

    hold-it User

    HITs went out yesterday, I was paid for most of them. 3 rejected and 3 still pending.

    Don't see how this could have been my fault. I felt super confident with all of my inputs. I mean, I live in Maryland and these were all Maryland plates. I was looking for my car the entire time!
  17. 540

    540 Member

    I'm sure this goes without saying, but a good start for my day is to search every CrowdSource HIT listed and complete it, since after a certain amount you're at your limit with them. They pay so well for such a short amount of time, wish there was no limit :(

    Does anybody know if all of your "Approved-payment pending" HITs switch over to "Paid" once your probationary period is over?
  18. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    Goodmorning everyone!!

    Maybe you can get them reversed. Last time I got one rejected by them I emailed them to see what I messed up on and they emailed me back showing me the license plate I did wrong and reversed the rejection.

    LaFS awwww :( I didnt get to say goodbye to your other avatar :'( Nice new one though :D :D
  19. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    What are you talking about? I'm lost.
  20. hold-it

    hold-it User

    Doing this right now. Thank you!
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