Great Hits 11/10/12

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by blackpup, Nov 10, 2012.

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  1. mikey

    mikey User

    I was thinking the other day that they are vulnerable to a class action lawsuit. I'm not a lawyer or anything but, this whole pretense of being an independent contractor or whatever is kind of sketchy, because you have no real contract with your employer and no recourse.

    Unions or lawsuits against Amazon would probably just result in them shutting the site down.

    Small claims court might work though. I've heard of people taking big corporations to small claims and they usually settle. Interstate commerce allows you to sue people/businesses locally but I'm not sure how it works with the internet.
  2. JenniLeigh

    JenniLeigh User

  3. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    Set your computer clock back two hours.
  4. Oh! this is horrible news. Sorry for the ones who got mass rejected. Let it all get straightened out soon.
  5. ld1302

    ld1302 User

    An Email Classification HIT (BONUS)

    (I did the hit so I couldn't get the link)

    Good t/o and great bonus, you can work as little or as much as you want, which is really cool.
  6. buglady

    buglady User

    Hello all.

    Lurker coming out of hiding. I got some rejections from Huizhong Chen, too, but not nearly as many as some. Sorry to hear that, guys!

    I don't know anything about turkopticon but am definitely checking it out after this. Once burned, twice shy.

    Not sure how to post a link, and hopefully this particular survey isn't already in the thread:

    Requestor: Patrick van Kessel
    Answer a Non-Profit Research Survey on Fulfillment and Meaning in Life
  7. Hey anybody good with numbers? How many hits do you think I'll need to do to increase my rating 8%? That's how much % I lost in this mess. 600-800? More? I'm exhausted just thinking about it.
  8. wouldn't that be nice lol
  9. just copy and paste the link.. it will show up as a link on the boards.

    how many approvals do you have and how many rejects. i'll help you
  10. just got wind of the rejections.. i don't even know what hit this was.. but i'm sorry for the people who got screwed.. thats sucks so bad!
  11. ivycreek

    ivycreek User

    Wow I really wasn't aware of what these hits were until I just ran into them .... I was imagining you had to fill in a blank with a name. Pre-set radio buttons really? How long does he really expect people to ponder that? I'm so glad I didn't find them...
  12. prothis

    prothis User

    Did this one before, if I can do this again I'm going to be so happy, so long as I can get the same rate.

    edit: Link for those looking.

    And WOW, I'm so glad I didn't do those face guessing HITs last night. Sorry to hear about all the rejections.
  13. jrh001

    jrh001 User

    Damn name guessing Hits... thank god I didn't do a lot of them. I got 23 rejections... and brought me from 99.4% to 98.9%. So sorry to the people who got hurt badly by them :(
  14. 1st_turk

    1st_turk Member

    Batch HIT!

    Is this website live and active for a bankruptcy attorney? (Client OQOHSMD) Clients
    $0.03 per HIT
    HITs Available: 1241
  15. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

  16. Who in the hell would do so many hits with a requester that has almost no TO and no mention in a forum thread unless they have enough cushion to break the fall if there is one? Thats just crazy.. hope it works out for everyone, could be just a glitch.. lets hope thats all it is
  17. Nero

    Nero User

    looking at the TO and reviews i'm gonna go ahead and pass on this. would suggest others do the same
  18. ld1302

    ld1302 User

    Complete a 10-Minute Survey
    Jae-Eun Namkoong

    Decent T/O, 5 minute survey for 35 cents (about cheese!!!)

    Pay isn't too great, but it's a slow day :)
  19. dottommytm

    dottommytm User

    I am glad I didn't do those, I don't even know what they are tbh
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