Beware of Jonathan Weber HITs

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by noarmsduck, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. noarmsduck

    noarmsduck User

    I received notification from Amazon this morning that he has blocked me from doing any more of his HITs. This is troubling to me because such action may jeopardize the status of my account as Amazon said they could suspend me.

    Now, what is even more troubling is I completed those HITs and followed the instructions on them to the last letter. I provided quality, truthful reviews, and I always made sure that I met the required word amount. I also noticed that there is a limit on the amount of reviews I can do for him. However I have only completed 3 reviews, so I did not violate his request in this manner either.

    Just a warning to other workers out there who don't want to risk getting their account suspended.
  2. Sorry to hear of your problem. I maxed out my HITs I could do for him months ago.

    Maybe you could have your hard-block turned into a soft-block? Good luck to you.
  3. noarmsduck

    noarmsduck User

    Thanks, and I have emailed the requester through the contact thing on one of the HITs I did for him. Although after reading his TO there are several people who have similar experiences to mine, so I doubt he'll do anything.
  4. wonkatonka

    wonkatonka User

    Sorry to hear. I'd heard he was like David Machette; great at first and utter ass later on.
  5. zomgturtles

    zomgturtles Mod Squad

    Seems like he hard blocks everyone now. I received a soft block from him early last year. My roommate received 4 emails stating that he had attempted to hard block her over and over. Amazon has said though that only one hard block per requester actually counts. I would also advise people to avoid doing his hits.
  6. uplifting

    uplifting New Member

    I wonder if this is the same requester who rejected all 110 of my hits today? I provided quality work for Jonathan, and he did not approve a single hit. I have never had a hit rejected and now my approval rate is a low 92% instead of the 100% rate I have carried since I joined in January. I have submitted over 1,600 hits, and now my rating is damaged because of Jonathan.
  7. Bald

    Bald User

    Jonathon Weber who the OP is talking about doesn't post large batches. He posts single writing HITs for credit card/bank card reviews. So it's a different requester.

    I think you are most likely talking about this "Jonathan" because he has massively rejected many as well:
    Good luck, you can still recover and I hope you get them reversed. If not, keep rebuilding your approval rating by doing as many good HITs as you can each day. Most of us have been there. I recovered from 297 rejections that brought me down to 94% approved - 20000+ HITs later I am back to 98.9%

    And to the OP FWIW Weber hard blocked me as well, and hard blocked me a second time after I messaged him to ask why.
  8. ameribrah

    ameribrah Active Member

    How do you handle unjust rejections?
  9. Lizbeth

    Lizbeth User

    I don't know, but I thought I might get a mass rejection a few days ago, even though I did a good job. Amazon seems to turn a blind eye, so I researched where I would file for damages due to some sort of defamation of character like suit.

    I'll pay the requester all his money back plus his Amazon fees, but mass rejections, to me, are quite unjust and would prevent me from earning a living. There must be some sort of compensation for that! By the way, it seems a person would file in the State they are working from. Not the State the requester is in. He is the one who advertised for workers and you are working for him for EACH hit!

    We shouldn't have to work in fear of unjust rejections!!! :mad:

    PS: I know this is kind of out there, but if a Woman can sue McDonald's for dumping a cup of hot coffee in her lap while trying to put cream and sugar in it, then anything is possible...
  10. arun

    arun Member

  11. Shego

    Shego User

    Some Requesters have no idea how much workers are affected by their actions and how little recourse we have because Amazon protects them and does nothing for us.
    I'm wondering if he is either A. Blocking because he's using your work anyway and wants it for free, or B. Is blocking to prevent workers from doing more hits than allowed and is too lazy to keep track of it?
    Whatever the case it would be fair and decent of Amazon to appoint a few people to handle cases of abuse such as this one and act as a liaison between Requesters and Workers when all other efforts by a worker to resolve the matter have failed.
    As far as paying the Requester back is concerned: Do NOT do it! Requesters Amazon fees are nominal and not a drain in the first place. Most of these people/businesses who use Amazon are multi-million dollar companies. Offering to pay them to get your good rep back is basically bribing them; which could lead them to more worker abuse.
  12. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    It is nigh impossible to do this nowadays, since Amazon modified the Amazon Payments transfer process. You can no longer reverse transactions to an individual requester, since you are basically transferring the money from your AMT account to your Amazon Payments account. The line item detail is gone.
  13. Quasita

    Quasita Member

    I'm sorry to say it, but I always wonder about the behind the scenes when reading people's accounts of experience with HIT requesters. Very often, people are discussing requesters that I have worked for and had absolutely no issue with.

    That's not to say that things can't change or that requesters can't become more picky, and they would not in turn reject work I did for them now as opposed to before, but it does make me wonder. Obviously we are on one side of the issue, and getting only certain information, so it's impossible to give an impartial response to the situation. Not all mturkers are able to work to the same quality, for example, so some may do well while others struggle with a picky requester.

    I'm not familiar with the blocking process, so I can't speak to that, but I would think that requesters that have decided your work is either 1) repetitive and excessive without giving enough diversity of response between each HIT (making it obvious that reviews and the like were mass produced) or 2) consistently of a quality that they are not happy with for whatever reason... But in the situation where you have not reached the auto-block (as in, "you cannot do anymore work for this HIT at this time") limit... They may elect to put a manual block in to keep you from submitting work that has been consistently sub-par to their standards.

    Granted, I think they should provide feedback if possible, because things can often be adjusted to better suit their needs, but that's their prerogative in an environment when so many people are available to do the work at any given time.

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