Can't Find Good HITs? 11/3

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by scrapfaerie, Nov 3, 2012.

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  1. SET Master is a requester.. its an easy hit, pays .01 and approves quickly.. they post at 10am EST.. good to get numbers up
  2. Maves230

    Maves230 Member

    I've been using this HIT to get my number up. Simple up/down tagging with categories that are easy to familiarize yourelf with. I'd love to find something else, but until I can do more crowdsource HITs...
  3. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    why do you need to get up?? you should just have a little bell that you ring when you need something! :D
  4. gturk

    gturk User

    what do you do with high numbers
  5. ...and stock up on Tums!! I swear I ate those more than actual food sometimes! My son is 6 months old now.

    ME, soon you will be turking with a baby in your lap. That's what I do when he falls asleep while nursing.
  6. No, I've done a lot of random HITs. Some batches, some surveys. I'm saying 925 total since I started in the middle of October. I'm not on here a ton since I have a full-time job and 3 year old. Haha, but just trying to use it for some extra income.
  7. gturk

    gturk User

    ahhh, i want a security job and just be on mturk while I work.
  8. tbanny

    tbanny User

    She was all over the body pillow thing. She has a tendency to sleep on her back, so it helps her keep on her side.

    Thankfully the nausea hasn't been the bad. She had it around dinner time in the first trimester, but it seems to have passed for the most part.

    We are just now getting to the stage where she noticeably showing. She is starting to get comments and she has always been sensitive about her weight. It kinda bothers her, even though she has never been big at all. I guess it's just part of the first child thing.
  9. the better your submitted hits and approval ratings are the more hits will be available to you and the more money you will make
  10. You're only allowed to do a lot of HITs if you have over a certain number approved. Many of the HITs require 1000+ approved HITs, which is why I'm hoping to get to that soon.
  11. jrh001

    jrh001 User

    Took 51 min on the $5 survey. Has anyone gotten theirs approved from earlier?
  12. hmm... i think i smell troll again..
  13. gturk

    gturk User

    like what kind of hits
  14. Yeah, I'm lucky to have my job. Unfortunately, I got divorced this past year and my ex has not been very compliant with child support. I needed something to help make up for that, and this is the best I've found so far.
  15. GertHeart

    GertHeart Member

    And no, sadly no Boxer Beer, I'm guessing it's the cheap good stuff from where you're around. I miss Washington, so much cheap beer.
  16. tbanny

    tbanny User

    Yep, it approved within a couple hours.
  17. the-mp

    the-mp User

    just did mine a few min ago... so not yet.
    nice avatar - you from chicago?
  18. Some surveys, but it looks like higher paying batch hits. Someone with over 1,000 HITs can probably answer that better.
  19. redhb19

    redhb19 User

    Tagasauris is awesome. Low pay, but good for numbers and if there isn't anything else to do. Getting $0.02 per HIT is better than doing nothing at all. I'm always afraid of rejections though... Has anyone ever gotten a rejection from Tagasauris?
  20. Yes. You do. It's a very distinctive odor.. rather hard to miss these days.
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