Can't find good HITs? 10/23

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by sasquatch, Oct 23, 2012.


How Much Did You Earn Yesterday?

  1. $0.oo - $5.oo

    23 vote(s)
  2. $5.oo - $10.oo

    20 vote(s)
  3. $10.oo - $15.oo

    18 vote(s)
  4. $15.oo - $20.oo

    16 vote(s)
  5. $20.oo - $25.oo

    10 vote(s)
  6. $25.oo - $35.oo

    16 vote(s)
  7. $35.oo - $40.oo

    2 vote(s)
  8. $40.oo - $50.oo

    4 vote(s)
  9. Over $50.oo

    6 vote(s)
  10. Not sure, taggered broke my brain

    4 vote(s)
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  1. caraw1

    caraw1 User

    Ok, hard to keep up with this thread today. Welcome everyone!!

    Is anyone working on non CF batch hits?
  2. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    Hiya girl! So glad your first day was great!

    I know you don't like doing surveys very much, but you really should skim through this thread...there have been some pretty freakin' awesome ones today! ;)
  3. Yeah I say that now, but when it happens I'm gonna be like, sike, I was just kidding.
  4. PPC WWBP keeps adding hits:)
  5. redhb19

    redhb19 User

    Don't know if it was mentioned previously in this thread, but I'm about to work on some of David Matchett's article writing HITs, ranging from 400 words to 500 words. Amazing TO and I emailed him on tips on how to provide satisfactory work and to prevent rejections. He responded very quickly (even though it was like 4 am) with this:

    Hello, we tend not to reject many hits, only those that are copied content, very poor grammar throughout, or very low quality. A few mistakes here and there will be accepted. Including any kind of facts, figures or research makes hits better.


    I look forward to doing his HITs :)
  6. caraw1

    caraw1 User

    You've been tested for Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency or you talking about another hit?
  7. RWStein

    RWStein User

    Requester Reject Reversal Procedures

    In this article I will endeavor to explain how you, as a requester, can reverse rejected HITs for work performed on Amazon Mechanical Turk.

    Why this is a good thing for both you and for the community it is beyond the scope of this article but it bears mentioning here that it is. It is also worth mentioning that you need the funds available to pay for the HIT in order to reverse it - exactly like you would an approval, since a reversed reject is an approval.

    Reject reversal is unfortunately not supported in the interface that Amazon makes available to requesters but that does not mean that it cannot be done (as even some AMT support personnel have been known to claim). It simply cannot be done through the default graphical interface that Amazon makes available.

    Below I outline four different basic methods for reversing rejections in ascending order of technical difficulty. All of these make use of the AMT API, full documentation for which can be found at:


    Contacting Amazon directly is, by far, the least technical method. Send a message to AMT support containing the AssignmentId of the rejected HIT and the WorkerIDs, if reversing for specific workers, you wish to approve and they will do the rest. I should point out here that I do not have any direct experience either using this method or having it used on my behalf. Amazon employees on Amazon forums have recommended this method for requesters who do not have the ability to make the API calls themselves. However, if you have a large number of HITs you want to un-reject they may very well tell you to follow one of the options below. The above method should work for a small number of rejections you would like to reverse. I would welcome feedback from anyone who has had experience with this method on either side, so I can fill out this section with a little more detail.

    The second easiest and possibly least secure method to use is the published form at to perform the reversal; just plug in the relevant data and you are done. Quick and easy, right?

    Why this is potentially a bad idea:
    The site where this interface is hosted is that of a third party, and is known to be at least somewhat unreliable in terms of availability.

    The site where this interface is hosted does not support SSL (HTTPS) connections and this is a known fact. This means that there is nothing stopping any third party so inclined from extracting both your Access Key ID and your Secret Access Key from your request. Here is Amazon's cautionary statement regarding your secret access key:

    The site where this interface is hosted does not support SSL (HTTPS) connections. If you are a member of an organization that is beholden to any of the many data privacy and/or data security standards (PCI/CISP, SOX, GLBA, HIPAA, anything in the ISO 27000 series, you get the idea) you could be very well risking your organization's certification and possibly even breaking the law.

    The site where this interface is hosted is that of a third party and there is ultimately nothing stopping that third party (or another malicious third party who manages to gain access to their server) from logging the information you submit. In fact you can be relatively assured that this information will be logged.


    The next on the chain of difficulty is to host the above form yourself. This makes the assumption that you have a web server available that you are capable of installing things on, but that you are not technically apt enough to address the AMT APIs directly. I include it here for completeness' sake as much as anything else. The page code can be acquired at

    The final and most technically challenging, but also most flexible and ultimately - in my opinion - the best method is to write your own code to call the API using one of the SDKs that are available. There are open and up to date SDKs for:

    C#, .NET




    If it were me doing it and there were no technological constraints, I would recommend the .NET API and using Powershell to write your automation. That combination has yielded the best results for me personally - but I will freely admit to being a little bit prejudiced. There is even a little tutorial on Amazon's site at:

    - For more information or to become a part of the MTurk discussion community, please sign up as a requester and discuss any issues, questions or comments you have with the actual professional workers who are performing your tasks. Sign up by clicking here: mTurk Forum Registration And contact "Andy" or "RWStein" to have a discussion group designed just for your HIT needs.

    -Created by SaladPope (Editor: RWStein)
  8. TurkinAway

    TurkinAway User

    Glad you had an awesome first day!
  9. leelu

    leelu User

    I have done several of hits (one on Giraffes yesterday!) And he really is a great requester, have never had any problems submitting stuff to him.
  10. debsstuff

    debsstuff User

  11. TurkinAway

    TurkinAway User

    I like to aim for $80-$100 a week on the low side. I also don't really like *daily* goals because some days I am so dang busy I can't turk as much as I like. So I usually aim for weekly!
  12. Moutheater

    Moutheater User

    It's actually pretty hard to do that. Well, for me it is. I'm a pretty bad procrastinator, sometimes. But once you know your good HITs (batches surveys etc.) you get pretty good at it.
    Especially since monday is Let's get down to turking day, you can mostly manage 1/3+ of your goal in one day.
  13. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Must.... find.......... batch.
  14. leelu

    leelu User


    I use to do about $10/week day, my new goal is $20/ week day. I mostly turk while I am at my real job, and not much on the weekends. I usually pull in about $100/week, I'd love to double that though. I hit $30 yesterday, and would love to do that again.
  15. ok folks I am headed to doing 2 different .10 batch hits :) make money!!!
  16. tmaa79

    tmaa79 User

    Perform a Search task for an assigned topic and answer a Survey (No screen recording or video upload is required) 6.00
    Sorry no link, I accepted too quickly.

    Edit: Bad TO =(
  17. jckruth

    jckruth User

    My biggest issue is that I have an 11 month old and I have to care for her during the day as well. I would constantly put off turking to play and snuggle with her if I knew I could just do it later during the week. At least I know my weakness haha
  18. Turked Out

    Turked Out User

    What is your system to make $20 a day
  19. thank you!! yea it was pretty awesome
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