Can't find good HITs? 10/22

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Ovningskora, Oct 22, 2012.


How Did You Do Over The Weekend?

  1. $0.oo - $5.oo

    32 vote(s)
  2. $5.oo - $10.oo

    21 vote(s)
  3. $10.oo - $15.oo

    11 vote(s)
  4. $15.oo - $20.oo

    8 vote(s)
  5. $20.oo - $25.oo

    4 vote(s)
  6. $25.oo - $35.oo

    7 vote(s)
  7. $30.oo - $40.oo

    6 vote(s)
  8. $40.oo - $50.oo

    3 vote(s)
  9. $50.oo - $100.oo

    2 vote(s)
  10. Over $100.oo

    2 vote(s)
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  1. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    been sleepin since the forum went on vacation earlier
    how's everyone's day been?
  2. granit

    granit User

    That's one hell of a perk!

    *I'll be finishing up a few more Taggereds and i'm done for today.
  3. granit

    granit User

    Promotional 'Understanding Blood Pressure' Bookmark.

  4. Moutheater

    Moutheater User

    I got yall beat.... promotional boxer briefs.
  5. granit

    granit User

    Promotional Rubber Duck. It's really getting ridiculous.
  6. 4-ACO-DMT

    4-ACO-DMT User

    I'm only up to $12.90 today. I kinda slacked off earlier. If anyone has anymore Taggered hits they don't want. I will take them off your hands ;)
  7. Moutheater

    Moutheater User

    You missed rob giving up like 9 bro :(
  8. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

  9. weele

    weele Member

  10. T-to-the-D

    T-to-the-D User

    Are they fun? Are you going to keep them, or give them to a friend?
  11. M3Shark

    M3Shark Member

  12. weele

    weele Member

  13. i'm returning 5 taggered hits ... I can't take the shit anymore i've done atleast 15 today
  14. Moutheater

    Moutheater User

    No, these would break in the mail
  15. 4-ACO-DMT

    4-ACO-DMT User

    haha same here :( damnit! That would have been an easy dollar.
  16. 4-ACO-DMT

    4-ACO-DMT User

    Oooh gimme gimme. I'm on it!
  17. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    yeah i almost missed that one myself - i was doing a survey earlier and i accidentally missed one 'attention check question' asking me how often i discuss politics and dinosaurs with friends and family, but i caught three or four others in the survey, would missing that one be an automatic rejection?
  18. I did this earlier. Survey was super fast, this is what it said at the end. The last question was a two part "attention" question though!

    "1) Over the next few weeks you may get a few emails from us. Don't be concerned if you don't get any emails.

    2) On 11/7/2012 you will receive an email with further instructions and a link to a brief exit survey.

    3) Enter the following confirmation code into Mechanical Turk:

    Important: The HIT will be approved and payment will be administered after the exit survey is completed."
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2012
  19. dottommytm

    dottommytm User

    Alright after a 6 hour break, im ready to turk till midnight *3 hours*. Got 4 taggereds to do -___-
  20. Grubbsy11

    Grubbsy11 User

    Snagged about 3 returned taggereds but I'm thinking about recycling them again. I'm not sure if I can take them. Somebody give me the motivation to do them
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