Can't Find Good HITs? 10/19

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Cowfin, Oct 18, 2012.


How Much Did You Earn Yesterday? (Submitted)

  1. $0.oo - $5.oo

    16 vote(s)
  2. $5.oo - $10.oo

    19 vote(s)
  3. $10.oo - $15.oo

    16 vote(s)
  4. $15.oo - $20.oo

    10 vote(s)
  5. $20.oo - $25.oo

    15 vote(s)
  6. $25.oo - $35.oo

    7 vote(s)
  7. $35.oo - $50.oo

    2 vote(s)
  8. Over $50.oo

    5 vote(s)
  9. Did not Turk yesterday!

    4 vote(s)
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  1. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    omg i love friday lol.
  2. ashliturk

    ashliturk User

    :( i feel bad. I emailed a requester yesterday because I accidentally submitted the survey without doing it, he just paid me for it as a bonus. I have no idea why, unless he misunderstood my email.
  3. talz13

    talz13 User

    I got a reject from Kirsten M on the AllClear ID HIT, saying I did the survey twice, but I can only find one instance of "AllClear" or "Kirsten" in my CSV export from the MTurk HIT Database...
  4. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    moral dilemma. well its over, you didnt get a rejection. now the question is. do you want to take the time to try to explain it all to the requester through emails just to do the work? or say hell with it.

    personally its a tough call because i can just imagine the time lost trying to explain this to the requester, then the time lost to do the work just to get money you already have lol. by the time its over it will cost you 3 times the mount of time so YOU end up getting the short end lol.
  5. Just had a FH where the person repeated spelling using Military phonetic. -swoons-

    If only they were all so awesome hehe
  6. tbanny

    tbanny User

    I could be wrong, but I don't think you are ever supposed to do another of her hits that have the AllClear verbiage in the title.
  7. TurkinGal

    TurkinGal User

    Morning, Turkers! Anybody want to come over to my place and brew me a pot of coffee? I'd do it myself but I'm trying to save all of my energy for tonight. Date night and I get to see the guy who does "The Jefferson Hour" on NPR. Super excited! Hopefully I'll meet my $$ goal before needing to get ready later this afternoon.

    So, I don't hear anybody upstairs making coffee, I guess I'll do it myself.

    *shuffles off*
  8. it is sooooo quiet in here today
  9. i just had one where the guy was spelling it and he said "k as in kilo".. of all the works that start with k you pick kilo? lol
  10. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    I gave up coffee, to much waiting to much time to much work. Now I have a mini fridge stocked with pepsi. ya thats right I crack a pepsi in the morning, its just a cold coffee. has caffeine thats all I am after !
  11. Moutheater

    Moutheater User

    I was almost to the coffee pot, bro. Give the preggo some time to waddle there!
    See? I made it all pretty for you.

    No drama. It feels so goooooood.
    CS URL Rankings are up!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2012
  12. TurkinGal

    TurkinGal User

    I was going to attempt to start a Pepsi vs Coke feud that would bring this board to it's knees but then people were commenting on how nice it is to not have drama, so maybe tomorrow.
  13. Mumuudd

    Mumuudd User

    I have a question about stanford's $10 hit. You guys got them approved and paid? Mine is approved but not paid yet. Just checking how it is with other turkers.
  14. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    Good morning!
  15. I did mine on 9/30 and it was approved and paid a few days ago.
  16. debsstuff

    debsstuff User

    Mine approved a few days ago.
  17. Good morning guys.

    Survey task. Less than 5 minutes! Requester: Gabriel S Lenz
    HIT Expiration Date: Nov 8, 2012 (2 weeks 6 days)
    Time Allotted: 30 minutes
    Reward: $0.25
    HITs Available: 1

    State election survey. Less than 3 minutes! Requester: Gabriel S Lenz
    HIT Expiration Date: Nov 7, 2012 (2 weeks 5 days)
    Time Allotted: 30 minutes
    Reward: $0.35
    HITs Available: 1

    Took less than 2-3 minutes each
  18. Doog

    Doog User


    Also, these pop songs are horrendous.

    So in other words, we'll hear them on the radio in a month.
  19. talz13

    talz13 User

    Yeah, I've only done the one, unless the survey double submitted or something. I only see one HIT in my status pages, and that's the one that got rejected :p
  20. Mumuudd

    Mumuudd User

    Thanks for answering. I guess I'll just have to wait until it's paid.
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