Can't find good HITs? 10/17

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by TrickyTurkster, Oct 17, 2012.


What Do You Turk With? (Select ALL that apply.)

  1. Desktop - PC

    41 vote(s)
  2. Desktop - Apple

    6 vote(s)
  3. Laptop - PC

    40 vote(s)
  4. Laptop - Apple

    11 vote(s)
  5. iPad

    1 vote(s)
  6. Other Tablet

    4 vote(s)
  7. iPhone

    3 vote(s)
  8. Other Smartphone

    5 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. I have to disagree. Dave Chapelle's parody is the best R Kelly song ever. I was going to find it on youtube and post it, but I thought better of it. "Haters wanna hate. Lovers wanna love..."
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2012
  2. rainydayze

    rainydayze User

    I'm very curious...
  3. MetalPanda

    MetalPanda User

    damn I need to get to 1000 hits fast. Someone give me 100% guaranteed hits under 5 cents. Give me like 2-3 sec ones.
  4. granit

    granit User

  5. debsstuff

    debsstuff User

    I haven't yet, I'm waiting to.
  6. rainydayze

    rainydayze User

    Write About Your Experiences at a Store

    Requester: Jonathon Weber Reward: $2.75 per HIT HITs Available: 1 Duration: 60 minutes
    Qualifications Required: HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95, Total approved HITs is greater than 50, Location is US

    Not sure if anyone else posted this
  7. why post that they figured out how Diablery did it then say they will tell the forum later, back to hits? You had enough time to "figure it out" and post in here, but then leave people hanging? Thats ignorant
  8. lol, i quoted the wrong part :)
  9. abc123xyz

    abc123xyz Banned

    OK, let me explain it.

    I looked at his various screen shots. And he was making about $900 to a $1000 a week on Mturk from roughly August 2011 to March 2012. Very simple. I actually thought about doing this, but I didn't

    He made around $28,000 working for John Gaddy hits ( I used to call them the John Gotti hits because he was the man, but I digress). What he did was this. Gaddy insisted that you put in the key word in your 100, 200 or 300 word article you had to write. What DIablery did was make a Word file of a standard 100 or 200 or 300 article. And he would insert the keyword whereever and change a few words around voila. He would submit it and there you go.

    I actually thought about doing this but didn't. Remember, Gaddy would only do a search on google to check if you plagiarized your article. So you could fill the article up with gibberish, but as long as you had the key word, you were good to go.

    So he probably popped out 15 of those per hour, for ten hours a day. 150x7= 1050 dollars

    roughly his average per week.

    There was no other requester during the time frame offering a similar bounty.

    It was dishonest, but he made a killing!
  10. talz13

    talz13 User

    I was doing the football one and, much to my surprise, I did see one with football players! But that's the only yes I ever had, over several hundred HITs...
  11. this was my first time doing them, I did the football ones too and they are already approving.. nice way to boost numbers :)
  12. talz13

    talz13 User

    Yep, I'm up to 738 submitted, 543 approved, 195 pending!
  13. cci83

    cci83 User

    Will Set Master post more?
  14. rainydayze

    rainydayze User

    ANy luck finding these? I'd like to do a few myself :)
  15. MTurk hasn't been in operation long enough for that to be physically possible.

    If I'm incorrect, please... Post a web shot.
  16. talz13

    talz13 User

    quoting from the amazon mechanical turk wikipedia page:

  17. Kris

    Kris User

    Good morning, folks. Crappy day in the Rocky Mountain West due to a major wind storm last night, carrying through today. Gotta go deal with downed tree limbs and such. At least I'm not without power, as thousands others are. Time to make a few bucks, then head back outside with the saw.
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