Cant find good Hits? 10/7/12

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by mahasathya, Oct 7, 2012.

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  1. ssamcd

    ssamcd User

    Why are you sitting on so much money. Transfer it. I transfer ASAP as $10.00 hits. That would make me nervous.
  2. granit

    granit User

    I transfer in $100 batches mostly.
  3. Moutheater

    Moutheater User

    You just made me go [​IMG]

  4. BigginZ

    BigginZ User

    My reasoning for leaving it in Amazon is so I wont touch it. I have a goal to get to $1,500 by Feb so the girlfriend and I can move in with each other. I figured if it sits in my Amazon account I wont spend it. If it's in my bank account, I'll spend the shit out of it.
  5. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    Then at least cash out half of it. Have you not heard the horror stories of Amazon taking $100 from accounts by blocking them?
  6. smorganie

    smorganie User

    Or you'll lose it all.
  7. saladpope

    saladpope User

    I just wasn't worried about it, figured I would transfer it when I wanted/needed it. Didn't think about the fact that an acct freeze would probably mean a payments freeze too.

    OB On Topic: I just did a Brelig hit in which the receipt was sitting on someone's (unclothed) body. WTF is wrong with people? Dude...I don't want to see your piece. I just....don't.
  8. I can hold onto that for you. :)
  9. BigginZ

    BigginZ User

    I have heard about the horror stories but that's from people outside the US. In the terms of service it says if your account gets suspended, anybody in the US can transfer your money over to your bank account.
  10. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    If you go to the settings tab, there is always an option that says "manage auto-deposits" seems to be for placing money into the Amazon Payments account though. I am sitting at $6, I have a bunch that are Approved - Pending Payment, so hopefully I can set it up tonight.

    Thanks for your help!
  11. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    If you are so worried about spending it, then set up a bank account with a minimum balance. Then when you are ready to spend it, you can close the account and the money will still be there. The minimum balance will prevent you from spending it.
    EDIT: If you do this, look for a free account without any fees, opening, monthly, or closing. Fees could take a chunk from that money.
  12. bitler2000

    bitler2000 User

    Hey guys im at $15 so far today, how about anyone else?
  13. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    Awfully slow today. Even Redwood does not have a single HIT available for me right now. They all leave me at the screen that says: No Jobs Could Be Found For This HIT."
    EDIT: I am at $4. Four freaking dollars.
  14. there is no way I would sit on it.. even US people had had their accounts suspended and could not get their money.. too risky for me.. but it is a personal choice for everyone.. at least we are making money :)
  15. Moutheater

    Moutheater User

    $4.57, Trying to get to $5 then saying eff this and going to spend time with my husband.
  16. aly

    aly Active Member

    I'm at $5.80. Trying to stick to my goal of ten bucks a day.
  17. granit

    granit User

    I'm at $3.02.

  18. OK guys I am done for the night. I keep screwing up and getting rejects that I know better on. Have not had one in 2 months and suddenly up to 3 already today for differant requesters. Guess I need a nap.

    Edit: Oh! And up to 8.38 if no rejects and 4.36 if EVERYTHING rejects.
    Plus the 1 dollar bonus for constructive critisism ;p
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2012
  19. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    i'm only at $8 :(
  20. Took me about 18 minutes....How the heck did someone do it in 3 minutes???
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