Can't Find Good HITs? 9/13

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by RWStein, Sep 13, 2012.


Have you been making uit to the $25.oo goal each day?

  1. No!

  2. Sometimes.

  3. About 50/50.

  4. Usually!

  5. Always!

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  1. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    Agreed! These just seem bad compared to the judge sentiments I'm doing already. I'm sure some people enjoy these much more, they seemed alright.
  2. leelu

    leelu User

  3. RWStein

    RWStein User

    $1.oo Batch HITs! I smell money!

    SWEET!!! At a dollar a piece these batch HITs from CrowdSource will put a bunch of us well over the $25.oo goal today! and I still have the sentiment ones to do!

    Money, Money, Money! This is just awesome! Thank You CrowdSource! :cool:

  4. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

  5. Ah Coder of Web Apps. I enjoy his business card HITs I usually do some every time he has them up if I check and find them anyways. Unless they're foreign then I avoid them because they make my brain hurt LOL
  6. I have been doing the CS 'Judge the Sentiment of a Finance Article' for awhile now today already just under $50. Should hit 80 or 90 bucks before they are gone. If you can get in on these I suggest you do. Not sure if the qualifier is popping up still but it is worth checking into. The 7 cent ones are the fastest money, easily $10-12 hr on them. Just hit ctrl f and type in part of the keyword then read before and after where it is highlighted to figure out the sentiment. Good luck!
  7. I was only able to do a few of these until it said there were no more available, anyone else having this problem?
  8. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    Exactly this. They also have links to the actual page, so you can see it formatted if you need to. (Some of the links don't work or were removed because they were spam - that helps you figure it out)
  9. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    I'm so pissed I'm not at 98% approval right now to do these CS HITs. haha
  10. granit

    granit User

    All my Francisco Tirado HITs from 2 days ago
    just got approved guys, we were a little worried about that.
  11. leelu

    leelu User

    oh good, I've been refreshing and watching those all day today, mine still haven't been approved, but now I feel better about them!
  12. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    Yeah those $1.00 CS HITs are simple enough but i'm going back to the 7 centers, I was whipping those out at about 15 seconds each
  13. chaos

    chaos User

    To the poll...

    On Saturday and Sunday I do, as those are my only days off from work so I can actually put in some time on turk. Weekdays I usually barely do $10-$15 since I don't even get home until 6:00PM
  14. mikey

    mikey User

    .50 cent survey that I completed yesterday, got me approved for the 9.50 followup discussion for UW tomorrow. Woot!
  15. HappyFish

    HappyFish User


    As an aside, does anybody else hate the new capichas? I miss them like 65% of the time. Why do I have to keep doing these things after 40k hits? At the very least, allow requesters to turn them off for selected workers.
  16. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    Yep I just got the email for tomorrow at 1...woohoo!!!
  17. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    Those damn captchas have ruined me with fast batches like Two Lakes, by the time i get it right, the batch is all gone or almost gone. What a mess!
  18. shyaamist

    shyaamist User

    How are you guys getting those cs ones out so fast???
  19. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    The financial ones are especially easy. Maybe 4 in 10 are irrelevant (Metlife/Chase) or spam. After that, just read. I find it's helpful to click on the links so you can see the article formatted correctly.
  20. kalhana

    kalhana User

    Alixandra Barasch
    Survey on Time
    .10 cents, 1-2 minutes
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