What are the requirements for Bank Payment

Discussion in 'General' started by Roddy66, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. Roddy66

    Roddy66 New Member

    I am a canadian citizen, retired , living part of the time in the states. I have a US local bank account and a Physical address as I live there.

    Can I work and get the payments ro my bank account?

  2. ergo

    ergo User

    I'm pretty sure that anyone with a US bank account can set up bank deposits. The only caveat I'm aware of is that after you make a certain amount, I think around $500, you will be prompted to enter an SSN, EIN or ITIN in order to continue depositing money you earn.
  3. SuzyQ

    SuzyQ User

    It's $600. When I reached that "magic" number, they came a-knockin' for my social security number.
  4. mysconnie

    mysconnie Active Member

    Actually, I believe Ergo is correct. When I hit $500 they asked for that information.
  5. MeltingPrism

    MeltingPrism Member

    Is that $500 per year or total?
  6. mysconnie

    mysconnie Active Member

    It was $500 total for me. I started this late last year, but I think the amount you have to make to be required to file taxes is $600. Maybe someone with more experience will speak up about this.
  7. cxn805213098

    cxn805213098 New Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2010
  8. I am thinking a scammer made it onto our forums. I am not giving anyone on this or any forum access to my account. It hink it is wrong that this happened.
  9. lightdark

    lightdark User

    I can't say if people in China can or can not get direct cash/checks out of turking. So it is valid for people in other countries to possibly need help. Many people outside the US have problems getting cash, and don't want to spend their hard earned money on Amazon.com

    So anyone is welcomed to provide information on how foreign users can get money out.
    Maybe someone knows a US bank that is online, that someone from outside the US, can open an account, and that they could transfer money from.

    There's no need to feel obligated to contact them outside this forum.
  10. justfight

    justfight User

    After how much time does a US worker get his/her money after making a withdrawal?
  11. lightdark

    lightdark User

    It takes between 3 to 5 business days for the money to show up in my account.
  12. justfight

    justfight User

    Thanks for sharing that info, LD.

    I wanted to know that just out of curiosity because here, in India, first they "process" our withdrawal and then after "some" days, we get an email from them that our request is verified and that we'll receive our money within 6 weeks.

    However, it's notable that there's no specific time-limit for the withdrawal process. It's just some days as far as I know, no specific number. Sometimes it takes 2-3 days and sometimes a week or more. Now, when I say 2-3 days, that's excluding their working days, i.e. Saturday and Sunday. But what I wonder is why sometimes just 2-3 days and sometimes around a week just for "processing" our withdrawal request??? Does the processing involve checking the currency-exchange rates? Do they take it into consideration while processing? Does the currency-exchange rate have to do anything with the number of days that their process will need to get done? Eg: (a) Suppose I make a withdrawal request today and the market prediction is that the currency rate is about to rise soon. So that finish their process outright and send us the confirmation mail immediately with the currency-exchange rate applied. (b) Suppose I make a withdrawal request today and the market prediction is that the currency rate is going to fall soon. So they wait till that happens and when it eventually happens, they get it all done and then send us the confirmation email.

    I got this doubt after I was hit by an article recently regarding a spooky business (which I won't like to share for some reasons, sorry for that), though it didn't have to do anything with mturk or Amazon. I never got any such feeling till now but after this event occurred, the varying number of processing days made me have this doubt. Hope it's just my doubt and not a fact.
  13. lightdark

    lightdark User

    The process for the USA:
    - In Amazon Payments you can withdrawal money to a "verified checking account" (An online only savings account, works fine for me)
    - That money is held, outside your account balance as a "Pending" transaction. Amazon tells you it will take 5-7 business days
    - The next morning the process shows up as "Completed", and the money is gone.
    - Three days later, the last deposit I made ended up viewable in my account

    I doubt they care about the exchange rates. The money is most likely being transferred first to some intermediary. I know this is going further off topic, but I'm guessing you get a check sent. Where are these checks mailed from? What is the payer's company name?
  14. justfight

    justfight User

    That's a wonderful option. Wish I were a US resident or had a bank account there :)

    I too just have a doubt and the chances of this being true is 4.50% IMHO. But now I definitely am a bit suspicious of the processing time taken.

    Singapore, as per the best of my recollection.

    Will definitely let you know the next time I receive my cheque/check. Haven't paid attention to that detail as yet ever.
  15. ergo

    ergo User

    Until recently, deposits from Amazon appeared in my bank account the next day. Now it's two days. Not sure if it's an Amazon change, or their intermediary if they have one, or my bank. Two days is still pretty good though.

    Had a problem not long ago funding my requester account via bank payment: the money came out of my bank next day, but more than 7 business days later Amazon Payments still wasn't showing it cleared. Amazon claimed it was my bank holding things up, but a few days of e-mailing back and forth later, they finally admitted it was their fault. Always makes me a little nervous when money goes missing, even if it's just for a short while. I hope whatever went wrong has been fixed.
  16. justfight

    justfight User

    Human nature, I guess :)
    My version would be as such, though:

    Bad human nature, I guess ;)

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