Crowdflower Question

Discussion in 'General' started by rcking09, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. rcking09

    rcking09 Member

    I have been doing their version of judge the sentiment hits and the quality control questions are some of the worst I've ever seen. I work hard on these and am pretty confident in my answers then their "quality control system" says I'm wrong. My question is has anyone ever been blocked by Crowd-flower because of their terrible "quality control system"?
  2. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Haven't heard of anyone being blocked by CF, but they just stop letting you do the HIT if you reach a certain low level of accuracy.
  3. rcking09

    rcking09 Member

    Well that's good news. I really don't care about not being able to work for them ( going to stop anyway) just don't want the black mark on my account.
  4. Jymi X/0

    Jymi X/0 User

    Be sure to fill in the comment field if you think your answer is correct. I called them on one the other day, and they actually posted an apology to me and fixed my accuracy level.
  5. mamakayy

    mamakayy User

    I also fill out the comment field with justification for my answer. And I continued doing them. After a few rejects you learn what they want. My accuracy got as low as 77% and is now at 95%
  6. gabriel

    gabriel Active Member

    They never block you. You must let them know all the issues on getsatisfaction forum (don't forget to provide Job ID and Contributor ID). They will review your work and reverse the rejections accordingly.
    Don't bother to fill in in the comment hit's box, it's waste of time.

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