It's my Day 10!

Discussion in 'Statistics' started by naturegirl, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    Hey, everyone,

    Today is my 10th day in a row of Turking. I've been Turking every day since I was able to sign up, which means that today is also the day I get to withdraw my funds for the first time! Woohoo! (Guess where I'm headed right after I post this?)

    Today was also the day that I broke 600 HITs approved (I have over 99% acceptance). I'm happy with that, so far. Even if I have to accept that becoming eligible for those tweet HITs anytime soon is just a pipe dream!

    I've made just under $93 from approved HITS so far. A HUGE thanks to everyone here, because this board has been an amazing help to me in making Turking fun and not just a nice source of extra funds.

    Whew. One more stop, then time to turn the computer off for the night. See you tomorrow, all!
  2. Wow, thats awesome.. It took me forever to hit those kinds of stats.. :)
  3. lilkolo91

    lilkolo91 User

    YAY! congrats! :D
  4. RWStein

    RWStein User




    I didn't take advantage of this forum to its full extent at first and I worked hard hours for $2 and $3 my first couple days. But then I took the time to read the posts and get involved and now I try to get over $25 a day in much less time!

    Congratulations on being smarter than me and such a good Turker! And KUDOS to mTurk Forum for making another Turker successful! We all do so much better when we work together! :cool:

    Now "Go Make That Money!"
  5. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    Thanks, everyone! Aw, you guys are kinda making me blush, lol.

    But yes, Rob, I agree---my first $3 days were harsh. However, based on what I've read (and am still reading) about how things get better and opportunities open up the more HITs you have, I thought it was worth sticking with it. Sounds like you've found it true! I don't always want to Turk this much, so I'd like to get to a place where just Turking a little here and there is worth it. And yup, wouldn't have any clear path to that without this forum. Yay, forum!

    Footballchick, as far as my stats---if you mean the acceptance rate, that's just a function of me trying to be as careful as possible. For me, there's been no testing out any unknown requester, ever! And if they're only new to me but I'm at all nervous (great TO means I probably won't be nervous, though), I just stop at 10 or 12 HITs, no matter how good it seems. Kind of a chicken way to do it, but I want my stats to stay up, and I figure we're most vulnerable that way as newbies. Also, one rejection from any requester and I'll never do their HITs again. I've had 5 so far, fortunately from small requesters (not like the Crowd* two).

    Next up: I'm hoping to hit 1000 approved by this weekend sometime, so I can get in on what opens up there! And maybe someday on Bonnamar's tweet hits, too...thanks for the tip elsewhere, footballchick, that he'll be posting more batches where you can get in at 1000 HITs!
  6. Bubub

    Bubub Active Member

    Just curious, how many hours a day do you turk? I am on my 3rd day and trying to feel my way around. Have any tips to share to a newbie? I am constantly reading the forum.
  7. Congratulations. Were have similar statistics. I'm on day 9. I have 597 approved, with a 99.9% approval rating, 88.91 Earned. I had one doofus reject mine. I was aggravated the whole day. lol
  8. RWStein

    RWStein User


    I felt the same way! I have two rejects - one is going away as soon as the requester figures out how to do it and the other one is from s crappy requester on day 1 before I had TO or knew about this forum...

    I take rejections VERY personally and try very hard to avoid them.
  9. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    Right now, and since my Day 1, it's anywhere from 8 to 12. That's temporary and will probably be much reduced after this weekend...still, it's been a neat way to fill the time!

    It looks to me like the most important things a newbie can do are:
    1. Rely on TO religiously, since you know nothing about any requesters! Download the extension for Chrome or Firefox ASAP --- it's free;
    2. Use (free, also) to make a personalized watchlist that updates every 2 min and e-mails you about the requesters you most want to get in on;
    3. Be good at searching the forums :)...I've read here until my eyes practically bleed!;
    4. Ask for as many qualifications as you can early on, so you have time to get them or retake tests if you have to (show All HITs and pay attention to the ones you don't qualify for --- if it's a matter of HIT count, fine, but if it's just a test you need to take or qual you can simply request, get on it!);
    5. Watch the Great HITs lists to see what other Turkers like/don't like/generally think, so you can learn from their experiences; and
    6. Get your hit count up as soon as you can. There were some HITs that opened up at 100, just a few...some that opened up at 500, too. And now I can't stop seeing all the ones that open up at 1000!
    I'm over 800 approved HITs now...on target to hit 1000 by the weekend. Woot! Good luck with your Turking.

    Nice stats! I can totally relate to trying hard to avoid them. It just seems smart for the future. I figure you're probably thinking the same way, michaelandmeganc...and good job on your stats, too.
  10. mturklady

    mturklady Member

    Is there still a limit of 100 HITs per day for brand new users?
  11. RWStein

    RWStein User

    Not exactly 100. For some reason some days I was stopped at 99 and others 85... But after 10 days I was good to go.
  12. mturklady

    mturklady Member

    Drat, I'm on day 3 ($10 earned with 57 still pending!) and I've been stopped at 97 HITs for today. Sucks because I just got two qualifications for transcribing with HITs waiting to be done :(
  13. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    It's because the 100 limit for newbies is based on how many HITs you're allowed to accept. So if you abandon HITs (sometimes that happens by accident; refreshing a glitchy page can cause it) or return them, they still count in the day's 100.

    Congratulations, mturklady! Transcribing is a much more reliable and nonscammy line of work on AMT, you'll find. :) As long as you're working for CastingWords or SpeechInk; I hear mixed things about Claritrans and Redwood. Good luck!

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