Can't we all just get along?

Discussion in 'General' started by Crayonshaver, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. I appreciate your response, although I should point out that none of this has been directed at me. I've had no problems with anyone, but I've seem some really mean-spirited attacks. No one, whether or not they wear baby or big girl panties, should be treated the way I've seen some treated recently. There are legitimate concerns from scammers and such, but when people are just giving their opinion and they are being insulted or attacked because of their nationality, then I do object in principle.

    In actuality, I started this thread, in part, because of a thread you were in, but not because of what you said. In fact, it was what was said to you and about you. Before you tell me that I don't need to come to your defense, I will tell you that only "in part" did that particular thread prompt me. AND, regardless of whether you were offended or not, I did feel it was mean spirited and uncalled for. I KNOW you don't need my sympathy, nor am I offering it, but differing opinions can be expressed without insult, derision, or slamming someone.

    I'm all for learning new things here and hearing the new information. I have no intention of leaving. I was just pointing out that there are some testy people out there.

    You're right though, it is probably a matter of volume and not an actual increase. Point taken. Also, I have seen a lot of rather acidic responses from one particular, but very ubiquitous, poster (and no, it isn't you), so that may play a role too.
  2. Oooh, that's a pet peeve for me too!
  3. I am extremely sorry michelle incase u r hurt by the term "refugee" but i think u must admit my statement that TN and its moderation policies has been a big talk on here in the past coupla months.The least i wanted was ppl toking bout other forums over here...Seriously this place was much cleaner when some of those spambots who came from nowhere strtd rasing stupid arguments and concerns over mere speculations.Been on TN or not wasnt ma topic..The actual theme i said or rather meant was TN ditch out increase and this forum being a garbage of silly posts was almost that happened at the same time.. Majority of em i see here are against an OT section on this forum but unknowingly they all speak OT 's on each thread
  4. I don't read most threads here, so I'm in the dark about the drama.

    E-fights are lame.

    I motion for a "Drama Subforum" to be created. Some people thrive on drama, and it's a shame if it interferes with the entire forum.
  5. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    I understand more now. I know I have a lot of people that can't be classified as my biggest fans here (I've been told to seek TN refuge more than once, lol). But I try to be fair and admit when I'm wrong and do what is best for the Turking community as a whole. And I've learned a lot from members of this forum, which is why I'm still here.

    I totally agree with you -- it's entirely possible to have a hardcore debate about something without personal attacks. If someone is doing what they believe is right, they should have no problem using relevant facts to support their argument. Personal attacks just show the weakness in their point of view. I consider it a win when it starts coming out :)

    Also, I like that you can take my argument and, instead of attacking me, made your position a little clearer. There is a handful of people on this forum who are able to take my shit like that. I like you. (Don't tell anyone though, I have a reputation to uphold)
  6. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    I was not offended by the term refugee, however, I am a TN refugee and what offended me was that you wrote, "Too much TN refugee inflow", and were blaming them for the issues with this forum. As for the OT section that was shot down by the admin here if I remember correctly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2012
  7. Your secret is safe with me...
  8. I wasnt referring to the troll part ofcoz but many arguments went into a heated situation where these TN refugees were involved..Not em alone ofcoz but i felt somethings needed Andys attention before the convos. went worse.This was what i was thinking
  9. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    No worries MM I am not upset with you or anybody. As you can tell by my poor English in your quote I am just really busy today.
  10. McUser

    McUser User

    Since when doesn't Amazon accept foreign workers? Is this a recent development? Are they kicking off foreign workers or just not accepting new ones? I was under the impression that workers from Canada and India were allowed.
  11. howlingwolf1975

    howlingwolf1975 New Member

    I just don't understand!

    I am new to the form and mturk and have read a lot of your posts about being blocked by the Requester for numerous reasons, including, but not limited to bad work, made to much money from them, and accidents. I understand that three blocks by any Requester for any reason can get our account suspended, but why isn't it also like that for the Requester? Wouldn't that solve the majority of the problems if we could actually block the ones that never pay, or the scam artists? If we could monitor it ourselves, or at least try to we wouldn't have to report them thousands of times to Amazon, only to have them remain on the site.

    If Amazon can tell that we are accessing their account, and the IP address to be able to suspend anyone who might have more than one account, and do it to the point where only one person in the household can have an account, then why are they not suspending these Requesters who are creating multiple accounts just to try and scam us?
    I refuse to do a HIT for anyone who has a bad rating; I also refuse to do a HIT for anyone who has no rating! A new Requester might be a very good employer, but I will never know because I am not willing to take that chance. I would think that this would cost Amazon money because new Requesters might not be able to get established if no one is willing to take the HIT. This leaves the new turks, the ones that are either braver or more gullible that I am to take the HIT and submit the ratings.

    I just don't get it! How is Amazon making any money from the Requesters who never pay, or the scam artists who never pays?
  12. I don't get this, either.
  13. I sometimes take chances on new requesters. After a while, you get a feel for what seems legit or not, or you do just a few and see. The more approved hits you have, the more you can take a chance now and then. My turkopticon was down for a while because I have to use Chrome fairly exclusively, so I wasn't able to rate as much as I wanted to.
  14. I'll take chances on new requesters, too, but not many. No matter how tempting they look, I'll usually do only a dozen and then wait to see what happens. But if you're a newbie, I wouldn't advise doing even that many.

    With almost 30,000 hits, a 99.8% approval rating, and no hard blocks against me, I can afford to serve as a canary in the mine shaft and test a new requester. But if you've only got a couple of thousand hits to your credit, you're risking your whole account. Don't do it. Not until you've built up a big ol' cushion of stat protection.
  15. Not everyone knows about Turkopticon(TO). I didn't know about TO for my first several months. I had already made over 2k USD before ever learning about it. I just always did a few HITs, or if I felt it was easy enough that there was no way I could botch it up i'd do a few more(since generally if you do 10 and wait to see if they are approved, by the time they are the HIT is already gone)

    I also always write to the requester. Generally the ones who don't scam will message back. There are exceptions to that of course, but if they are gonna scam, why take the time to message each worker that messaged them?

    I know there are several requesters who are still up that mass reject. But I've seen many of them that are one shot wonders.
    As a requester you must pay amazon BEFORE you post your HITs, and you cannot get that money back.

    So, once you post a HIT amazon has their money already. There may be a certain number of rejects a requester can do on a certain HIT before they are not allowed to reject anymore.
    At which point amazon may confiscate the full amount for said HIT, or merely get their share.

    All the requesters that violate the TOS, and just reject reject reject? Well amazon bans them and keeps the funds that are uploaded onto their accounts.

    I'm guessing that those who are posting the $100 credit card HITs and $5 dating site sign ups are probably paying with fake cards, and Amazon may lose out. But, what if they aren't? Have you ever checked out those dating sites? Some of them pay $5 for every referral you get, and if they sign up you get a %age. So if the requester shells out $5 and rejects 5 of them, he profited $20, and amazon bans him, then profits $5.

    I do agree with you that Mturk is screwed up and it only favors requestrers, and i'm going to write up a thread with an idea.

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