Can't we all just get along?

Discussion in 'General' started by Crayonshaver, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. Everyone seems to be so jumpy and testy lately. Can't we all chill?
  2. I'm sorry.

    - Crap I Did It Again
  3. Bertha

    Bertha User

    I agree. Sorry if I offend anyone with the next statement seems that a lot of the jumpiness and testiness has come with newer members..August and on..maybe the ones new here from TN that either are used to it or got the boot cause of it. SORRY. I'm not saying all Newbies so don't all get upset. I became a member in May of this year and I don't remember ever reading anyone talking (typing) to each other like this.

    It could just be the heat, its hella hot out here in South California.
  4. Bertha

    Bertha User

    Maybe it's the heat, just read a thread that read.."An Upcoming Whore"...from an older member. What's happening to our friendly forum. Maybe Andy is right and we are being messed with by the "Others".
  5. Well it's towards a requester. The tension towards requesters has always been around here from what I observed - but I have noticed some fights between members... It all seems to revolve around the quality though. And that's fine by me for the most part.
  6. Newbie scammer members also has a part to play in all this.
  7. But ignoring the newbie scammers is better. Thinking that a good stiff cuss out is going to change their ways is ridiculous. When that happens, everyone gets on edge. If they can't get what they want, then they'll find another place.
  8. that's funny, by the way.
  9. Maybe it is the heat?? I don't think so! lol It's been 110 degrees down here in Texas, and I don't have no problems down here. Sense I joined this forum just days ago, I have asked a boat load of questions, and have got nothing but help from helpful members and I appreciate all you guys!

    From what I've seen so far, most of the heat, is between the US and all these foreign scammers. And if you ask for my opinion, I'm glad Mturk only accepts American Citizens now. It's sad, there's only a handful of sites that you can sit at home and relax and make extra cash, and all these scammers want to mess it up. So I have no sympathy for you scammers over seas. For the Americans, keep on turking, and look at mturk as a blessing, because we don't have to have this oppritunity to make extra money online simple and easy!
  10. Evrything was cool and fine here until TurkerNation strtd kickin out ppl and Amazon strtd to not approve non-US members :D
  11. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Not so sure I would blame it on old TN members. There are only a few that have come over since August. Besides, if they got the boot over there it wasn't because of being jumpy or testy since the BB seems to like them that way. If they got the boot from TN it was either because the did not follow the rules or they got on the bad side of the BB. I have been a member here since Jan. and have seen the jumpiness and testiness of MF way before that.
  12. I can smell the heat of those new workers coming to Mturk for doing legit work and getting kicked off for some weird reason...
  13. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    The BB at TN has been kicking people out for years. LOL
  14. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    My theory is that as TN becomes inactive/irrelevant, people who actually enjoyed the site will look elsewhere for activity..... MF. Has this already happened? Who knows.
  15. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    I'd say you're all just a little bit too sensitive. I think you need to put on your big boy/girl pants and realize that in the real world, people have differing opinions and it's those polar opposites that make a forum interesting. If you want everyone to agree with you, well I suggest you head to Antarctica where you can live out your days alone.

    The "testy" and "jumpy" is not helpful, although personally, I find it hilarious. That comes out of people who don't have a leg to stand on when they argue. They can't take constructive criticism and can't admit when they are wrong so they get all hostile. I like to bring that out of people I meet. Shows their true character.

    As this forum gets more members and becomes more active, you are going to get more opinions. So it might seem like it's happening more, but in relation to the population size I think it's probably about the same as always. Now, I haven't been here for awhile, so I kind of feel like this thread is a passive aggressive dig at me, but I'm going to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and assume if they had a real problem with me they would say so outright.

    Long story short: don't get your panties in a twist over e-fights. Read my signature, grow some balls and choose a side when arguments happen. It's more fun that way :)
  16. IMO ...the 3 reasons behind the clashes here are

    1)Too much TN refugee inflow (supported by so much of heart-filled welcoming by the old members here)
    One heated topic being the TN and its moderation policies

    2.Non-approval of members by Mturk that led to too much of queries landing onto this forum

    3.ohhh yeah fcoz the shit we all never wanted on this forum but it came smwhere here and there...I still cant define it coz i am too ignorant of that..It is called Racism...eeeuuueeewww !!
  17. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    FFS. I'm not even getting into the racism game with you. Everybody pulls that lame "oh you're so racist" card. Sorry, I call what I see. I have nothing against HONEST Indians, Asians, British, Irish, Spanish, I love them all! It's the scammers that I hate, and if you want to get offended when I say it -- well sweetie, if the shoe fits...
  18. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    I agree with 2 and 3 on your list Munawar but not #1. In all actuality when I first started with this forum there were many questions with no real answers. I personally think it needs a complete overhaul as it is impossible to find anything helpful on it and I also feel that some of those TN refugee's as you call them can be very helpful. It seems to me the ones that are the "testy" ones are some that have never been on TN.
  19. Trantice

    Trantice User

    I'm usually pretty opinionated and kind of an asshole, but I've been pretty quiet on this board. I really just want to get some good HITs in daily, so I come here looking for a few goodies that I may have missed. I try to keep the drama out of it. Unfortunately this board is so easy for people to come and cry about stuff and I just have no tolerance for it. I don't post, but others do. I do enjoy reading it though.

    When I come here, I have to filter a lot of dumb stuff which I try to ignore. Any one of these could make me post some really mean, angry stuff but I choose not to. Others do though and I give them credit for making my point.

    1) "I got rejected by this person who has terrible TO ratings and the HIT was subjective!!"
    2) "I got rejected by penny hits that took 10 mins to do!!"
    3) "What is TO?!!"
    4) Linking HITs incorrectly, especially idiots who link the ACCEPT HIT link. Learn to link people.

    I am all for helping new people but all of these things happen daily and can easily be avoided by searching, reading posts or simply by having basic common sense.
  20. Needless to say, they may not have started kicking people out, and not approving Non-USA residents, if idiots overseas wasn't asking for new social security numbers, creating multiple accounts, and scamming people. If it wasn't for any of this stupid stuff happening over sea's then you foreigners might have an honest place to make money. Correct?

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