NetMsi porn hits up

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by footballchick29, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. Wow pretty surprised these from today are already approved for me. Usually takes them a few days at least.
  2. Ah, there they go! :) all of them, from three days ago and today, approved!
  3. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    Hahaha...yeah, me too! :)
  4. scotched

    scotched User

    1:23 PST - they are re-batching them now! Put your pants on and get to work!
  5. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    WTF, I was mass rejected -____-. My completion % took a mean hit.
  6. lilkolo91

    lilkolo91 User

    sorry to hear that... :/
  7. :( screenshot? What's the deal?
  8. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Supposedly my responses were "too similar," but that's a load of crap. Sure, some may have been similar, but not 470 out of 500. I'm beyond pissed.
  9. petegq

    petegq User

    Really Why?
  10. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    Alright i did 15 more, I'm not sure if i'm also being too similar in my names so i'll do small batches only
  11. scotched

    scotched User

    You can't start each sentence the same way or you'll be rejected.... You're probably the first known mass rejection... I'm sorry to hear that.

    Can you contact him and ask?
  12. So that's why you were doying the hits so fast..I was wondering how did you do 500 because when i touched the 200 hit i was finished.

    all 22 of my 0.12$ hits were aproved within 1h why are ppl so afraid of them?
  13. I fly through these also.. too much porn in my life lol.. I wish there was a huge batch up like there was earleir this week..
  14. Wow I have honestly never heard of anyone getting rejected from NetMSI
  15. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Like I said, sure I prob deserved many of those rejections, but not 400+ x__x.
  16. Alenae42

    Alenae42 User

    I have had a rejection or two from them. You really have to be careful with your originality with Netmsi. They really do not like having the same things posted over and over.
  17. You can always change words,put them on the star,the middle,at the finish rearange all if you run out of ideeas.
  18. Well, that's the consequence for taking advantage of the work and putting in a poor effort.
  19. Hes right. NetMsi rarely rejects so if you want the money work for them and do your best don't make them at copy-paste rate.
  20. davebindy

    davebindy Active Member

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