Invitated for $6.55 HIT

Discussion in 'General' started by 646count, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. 646count

    646count User

    After an earlier submitted HIT, Eric DeRosia invited me to do YouTube HIT for $6.55 plus a possible $2 bonus...yippee!!

    Had to figure out how to do YouTube. Was anxious about privacy. All they were interested in in the audio so I put screen saver on and did as instructed and posted as "private".

    Suggested time 20 mins, but it took me about 35, talked a

    Total time with learning YT and tests, about 2 hrs. But now I know how, have an account and can do more if I choose.

    Hoping for more invitations :)

    ED: hahahah just realized I titled the post 'Invitated'....what ever the hell that means
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2012
  2. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

  3. 646count

    646count User

    I had no idea. Read the it this one? { HITs that directly or indirectly promote a site, service, or opinion} and registering on YouTube?
  4. The one before:

    •HITs requiring registration at another website or group
  5. 646count

    646count User

    oh, well, burst my bubble, didn't even realize. Guess it doesn't technically matter, but I was already registered, just didn't know how to use. The HIT did require youtube.

    I'm always aware of the ones that say "go here and register and submit with the email address" ones, but this got by me.
  6. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    It is a violation, however some requesters have permission from Amazon to break the rules (sometimes), and sometimes they just assume you already have an account there. Most just don't read the rules. Consider yourself lucky that you were paid (and got additional work out of it) because a lot of TOS breakers don't pay at all. I hope you at least didn't use your real information.
  7. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    And don't feel too bad. Sometimes I let it slide if it's something I already have used or they provide the info. Requiring Inquisit for surveys violates TOS but it's rarely complained about because most people already have it installed.
  8. 646count

    646count User

    haha, nieve but not that dumb...thank goodness. There was actually a time when I might have but not anymore. I have so many aliases that I need a notebook to remember who I
  9. 646count

    646count User

    What about the ones who require FaceBook? I don't have that but was considering just so I can do the HITs...well also because my friends and family think I should step in the 21st century :)
  10. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    What about the ones that tell you to create a dating profile on a dating website? I ignore those of course...
  11. Those are so obviously bad, I don't even report them. I figure others will do it. Anybody who does one of those seriously is asking for a world of trouble. Doing one on a lark is different, but then would the requester catch on? They're not all stupid.
  12. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    Doing one of those, you'd be lucky to get paid. They are such scammers that either A.) The requester will be banned before you get paid or B.) They will just flat out reject your work (and get a commission for getting you to sign up under their affiliate link). Avoid.

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