Could someone try to open up one of the Redwood hits.

Discussion in 'Redwood' started by ewd76, May 17, 2013.

  1. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    Any of them, it doesn't matter which. I have gotten a "No jobs can be found for this hit" on every single one of them. I've only done two hits for them. The last one I did was a transcription hit that I know I did right. Most of them there, I haven't even tried. I thought maybe they were having some sort of issues. I thought I would give them a try for a little while. If they have me blocked from doing any of their hits, I guess I won't. I haven't gotten an email from Amazon about it.
  2. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    I emailed them to ask them what's going on. Don't know if I'll get a response.
  3. justlookin

    justlookin User

    I just accepted one of their HITS and then got the no jobs notice. It's never done that to me before. Must be a glitch on their end by the looks of it..
  4. I've had this happen also, on every Redwood HIT I've tried to do. I just gave up on trying to do their HITS. But, if it's just a glitch on their end, then that changes things.

    I thought maybe I wasn't qualified or something...blah.
  5. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    That happens all the time. They will only allow you to do a couple of their hits each day or every few days. There isn't anything wrong with the hits. It's so freaking annoying. I hate them almost as much as I hate Crowdsource.
  6. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    That's a different problem for me since I have only done two for them, the last being several weeks ago.
  7. LadyTexan

    LadyTexan User

    Ditto. I used to be able to do a bunch of their transcription hits and transcription review hits in a day. Now they all say the dreaded no hits can be found message, even though the hit page says there are several hundred. Grrrr....I've moved on to Crowdsurf.
  8. Redwood Tech was emailed on Sat.

    Been happening to me for several days, very frustrating, I shot an email to them sat afternoon, haven't had a reply. I am new and qualify for so little as it is and batches to gert the numbers up are needed. Hope it's a glitch they can fix.
  9. justlookin

    justlookin User

    In the past when I've checked for HITS from them, it would at least let me do *some* and then tell me there were no more jobs. Now it shows that jobs are open but right after I accept it, THEN I see the notice that there are no more jobs. So this is something new for me. I've also written them but don't expect an answer either. Sucks.

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