What industry does Mturk fall under?

Discussion in 'General' started by jtech9, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. jtech9

    jtech9 Active Member

    I keep tripping over the question and I thought I'd bring here and see what discussion followed.

    Oh, also, am I weird for putting Mturk as my "current job?"
  2. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    I consider myself a freelancer. And no, you're not weird. I consider this my full time (sometimes longer!) job.
  3. jtech9

    jtech9 Active Member

    For example, I'm creating a linkedin profile, and it's asking what my industry is. Freelance is not there! Also, when people ask what I do... it's hard to explain. Reason being, they don't understand anything too far in depth. If you've any ideas on how to explain what we do, that would be fantastic and hug worthy.
  4. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    LOL sorry dear I don't do hugs :p I've never looked into it. Depends on what your main focus is I suppose -- mine would be writing. Or just general office work maybe? For the most part, that's what we're doing right? We're like the office bitches! :D
  5. Never mind explaining..They wudnt understand the real concept unless they strt doin it themselves

    Show them the below placard and keep them mum...LOL


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    Be proud we r indeed doin a superficial stuff that requires extreme multiple co-ordinations of brain,mind and hand :)
  6. jtech9

    jtech9 Active Member

  7. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    You could tell them you write titles for porn flicks...those are hits that pay well.
  8. Scott

    Scott User

    Data Analyst may work -
  9. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    I LOVE THAT SONG! I will change my hug policy for that. We can even make out! Hahahaha
  10. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    Haha, I have never really had a conversation or worse an argument with bootybitch but from everything I have read on here that she has posted, she seems like one kick ass chick!! :)

    Back on topic...I really don't know how to explain to people either exactly what it is I do on Mturk. Even my hubby looked at me crazy when I first found Mturk and told him I started doing HITS for them. He doesn't look at me crazy anymore when he sees the extra money in the bank account. haha :)

    I just tell family/friends etc anymore to just go online and look it up because I get tired of trying to explain to them that yes, I do make money by doing HITS that sometimes only pay shit change!!!!

    Probably not hug worthy advice, but I am a hugger...haha :)
  11. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    lmfao I never thought when I said "I want to be a writer when I grow up!" that this is what it's really like.
  12. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    IRL I just tell people I work at home. If they want more details I change the subject. Most don't believe me (I've fallen victim to a work at home scam or two.. or five) so it's not a huge conversation. When I do surveys and stuff and they ask, I either put self employed or office or something similar. Administrative assistant. I mean, this is the shit I did when I was an administrative assistant -- whatever someone with money doesn't want to do. That's my jobby job.
  13. jtech9

    jtech9 Active Member

    Psh, all of you seem really awesome. I'm a forum whore, so I'm well aware of how unwelcoming they can be. Doesn't apply here.

    As for the pr0n... I gave it a go. Definitely not my cup of tea. I'd rather transcribe a donkey fart.
  14. jtech9

    jtech9 Active Member

    This fits what I do pretty well! :)
  15. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    Oh my, I have to know how exactly would that go? haha

    And to stay on topic you could always just say that you are self employed and that you are qualified to do a number of things. Then ask them what it is exactly they would like done! :) And that your fee's are negotiable!!!
  16. jtech9

    jtech9 Active Member

  17. stormsyr

    stormsyr User

    I just say I work from home, or that I do freelance work.

    When people ask more, or see me doing stupid stuff for a penny I just tell them. Yo, I sit on my butt eating ice cream watching TV making my $4 an hour! Go suck on that while your boss is yelling at you, cuz i'm my boss and I yell "Go get more ice cream!!!"

    (K, I don't really eat ice cream that often actually)

    Actually all my dude friends I tell them I get paid to look at porn. They are all like DUDE! !@#$ I wanna get paid to watch porn!!

    Then I think to myself, well i'm not 'watching' it. I said I was 'looking' at it... And then describing it.. And yeah half the time it's gay or tranny porn.. so ima just keep to myself and look superior...

    And outside of my head i'm like :cool:

    Yeh bro, that's how I roll
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2012
  18. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned


    I like to tell people I'm a writer. I leave out the part about how it's usually rewriting a sentence or making door knobs sound fucking magical. It's whatever helps you sleep at night brah. And whatever gets you through the god awful days that come with Turking.

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