
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by watari, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. watari

    watari User

    Belatedly I am Watari, I am an overeducated American from the heartland who's down on his luck... I'm looking to make changes in my life and this seems like a way to make some easy safety money to keep me off the streets.

    Interestingly I was studying literature in college, I have a passion for British authors, in particular those who were writing during the colonial period in India and novels set in the East. I've begun exploring Hinduism and Buddhism, and always enjoy meeting people from different cultures. Any Indian turkeys looking for an online pen pal send me a message, I'd love to share the cultural experience and see what we can learn from each other.
  2. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    turkeys or turkers? (o_O) lol

  3. nobody

    nobody User

    Welcome watari. :)

    This place is great. You'll often find people posting good HITs when they find them, so keep checking in and you'll make more $$.

    I have a friend who was raised in the US but was born in India. I went to her wedding, and it was the most amazing experience. There was one part of the ceremony where all the women in her's and her husband's families whispered advice in her ear. That was my favorite part. Don't get me started on the food. I wanted to try everything even though her family tried to warn me off certain things, lol. My mouth still burns when I think about it.

    Anyway, hope you enjoy the forum. I'm new here and I already love it. Good luck and happy turking!
  4. lilkolo91

    lilkolo91 User

    I'm not a turkey! >.< haha just kidding nice to meet you! :D
  5. watari

    watari User

    Turkeys indeed... There's a Shiva Vishnu temple a few hours away from me that's often proven to be worth the pilgrimage when I can get the gas money.
  6. moonwalker

    moonwalker User

    Where is that? Any links..? Well, I am from India. Just curious about the Hindu temples outside of India. Always find that it is interesting.
  7. watari

    watari User

    It's a large temple, mainly because it's only one of three or four in the state of Ohio. The deities were all installed in accordance with Vedic tradition in the late 90s. There's basically one large hall for puja and services and other rooms for classes, lessons and a library. The property is really nice because a lot of the Hindus in the Cleveland area have really good jobs... a lot of them are doctors or surgeons, computer programmers and the like.

    In addition to traditional services they have classes in Urdu, Hindi and Telgulu as well as musical instruments and of course classes on Vedic heritage and philosophy, and children's classes.

    The website is clunky but has all the photos and stuff you want to get a sense of the place.

  8. watari

    watari User

  9. moonwalker

    moonwalker User

    That's nice info man. Thanks. You are right with that. I have a friend in Cleveland who is a software engineer. He didn't tell me about the temple but he did tell me that there is a well developed Indian community over there in Cleveland.

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