Finding Great HITs 03/31 Silly Skedaddle Saturday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Tjbot, Mar 31, 2018.

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  1. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

    I can't answer your question as I don't turk full time anymore, but welcome back.
  2. Yourface

    Yourface User

    Thanks. I was averaging $100+ a day but I see thread size is about 1/10th what it used to be.
  3. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

    There are more forums now and other chatrooms that people left and went to. There are still people who make that much a day.
    Daiko and Yourface like this.
  4. I'll be damned if I know how anyone makes that much, ever.
    schlep and jenni3kat like this.
  5. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

    I know at least 2-3 that do and I don't think they're lying.
  6. parro

    parro User

    Masters. I like the cat, jeni. I've never seen one scratching like that.
    jenni3kat likes this.
  7. I'm a master. I can't make that kind of money. Ever.
    schlep, myopia and jenni3kat like this.
  8. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

    I can but I really just don't feel like it :cool: I just wanna dance.
    ohsostrange and Daiko like this.
  9. schlep

    schlep User

    Daiko likes this.
  10. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

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