Resources for the Updated Site

Discussion in 'General' started by Flora, Dec 15, 2017.

  1. Turker2013

    Turker2013 User

    05 02 2014
    Possibly when I joined greasyfork.
  2. Turker2013

    Turker2013 User

    I have no idea if it's my script or not. Could be a factor. If I do upload it, I will probably put it under "Unlisted user script" and share the link here. But for the other public scripts, look at my signature. I still have many more to go before uploading.

    Is anyone interested in a modified "mmmturkeybacon Color Coded Search with Checkpoints" that will work on the worker site? Still needs some fixing before I put it up.
  3. parro

    parro User

    So we were talking about 2 diff things.
  4. Turker2013

    Turker2013 User

    Someone mentioned something before. I do need to look into the status detail pages. But, testing it is an issue as I'd have to come across one that I've completed that has a long HIT title.

    Is anyone interested in a modified version of "mmmturkeybacon Color Coded Search with Checkpoints" for the worker site? Making it look okay is still an issue on zoom-level and browser.
  5. elt

    elt User

    I added status_details pages but it didn't work,
    the html might be different*
    probably not worth worrying about

  6. It works perfect for me. With some of the longer titles that wrap now it makes TO1 accessible from the Hits Page. The only way I can access it otherwise is by opening the requestor name into a new window.

    I don't know what mmmturkeybacon is so can't weigh in on that one.
  7. I don't know what you mean by this:
    Also, are you able to make a script that shows time spent on a hit?
  8. Turker2013

    Turker2013 User

    For the MakeTitlesFit script to work on status_details. Someone mentioned something like that before. I understand what they mean now. Never mind, sorry for any confusion.

    I'd have to ask the person making these scripts for me if they can do something like that, but I think it might be too complex. There might be scripts that do that, as part of a much larger script.
  9. Turker2013

    Turker2013 User

    When you go to and look at the very bottom of the page, does it have "Last" to the right side of "Next"? If not, please mention your browser and browser version. Also, whether you're using GreaseMonkey, TamperMonkey, or something else.
  10. elt

    elt User

    the html on status pages is quite a bit different, you can't sort by columns etc
    I use firefox and violentmonkey

    2 & next active if there is a next page
    Previous 1 2 Next

    everything greyed out if there are less than 21 hits that day
    Previous 1 Next

    you probably have some kind Que helper/Pagenation scripts,
    I have no Last link

    that would really be annoying if you did a bunch of hits
    and had to scroll through several pages to get to the last page
    it's like Amazon intentionally left out all the good ideas
    from the last 10 years of Mturk and 20 years of Amazon
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2018
  11. It was worth asking! I don't know why mturk changed it. A lot of times I forget what the original time was and so am left with not really knowing how long I took on a hit. And if I remember correctly I saw a script in Greasyfork that is just for time remaining on a hit so we already had access to having that information if we wanted it.
  12. Shaanshahin

    Shaanshahin New Member

    I installed turkopticon,but i its not working.what should i do?
  13. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

  14. Speaking of TO is there a way to separate TO1 and TO2 icons so both can be accessed when scrolling through the hits? Currently the only way I have figured out how to access both is to click the requestor name and from there they both can be accessed.
  15. Turker2013

    Turker2013 User

    Do you have installed?
  16. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    I'm using Chrome and mine does show the last page rather than "last". Example: 1, 2...8 next. So I just click on 8 and that's the last page.
    elt likes this.
  17. Turker2013

    Turker2013 User

    Do you have a link to the old script? If so, please reply with it. I can ask someone if they're willing to modify that script to work on the worker site.

    Is there a need for a blacklist script? When a HIT matches a requester ID or HIT ID, the script will "hide" it on the page. I'm sure there are current scripts which have this capability, but does anyone need a standalone script that performs this function?
  18. Turker2013

    Turker2013 User

    Is a script doing this? Because with Greasemonkey disabled, it doesn't act like that for me. But I'm using FireFox at the moment.
  19. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    No scripts. I disabled Tampermonkey to see if that was there and it was. It's from Mturk.

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