The main problem I see with mturk

Discussion in 'General' started by specimen, Oct 20, 2016.

  1. specimen

    specimen Member

    Theres only so many hits to do. FOr example yesterday I busted tail and made about $30, my best day yet. Today theres very little left on the board. Hits dont just keep pouring in.

    I am about to pass my 1k accepted hits milestone and would like to make $1500 a month. Im honestly not sure how much of a realistic goal this is despite being quick and pretty computer savvy.
  2. smorganie

    smorganie User

    You haven't been here for that long. You only have 1k accepted HITs. 1500 a month is probably unrealistic, but it'd be easier if you had more quals.
  3. Marcus

    Marcus User

    1000 approved HITs is nothing, unfortunately. You need to pass 5000, then 10000 to possibly qualify for more work. From that point on you need to get lucky enough to earn good private qualifications and at some point hope you are chosen as one of the "elite" masters workers. :p

    You need to be comfortable doing surveys and batches. There is always work but with the widespread use of scripts, extensions and pandas it becomes harder and harder to maximize efficiency and earnings per hour.

    My earnings this year went off a cliff starting in April. I just do not know if work from my favorite requesters dried up, more workers became qualified or more workers are taking advantage of all the nifty tools to turk. Probably a combination of all those.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2016
  4. jennyg444

    jennyg444 Member

    Marcus - When you say earnings went off the cliff...can you talk estimates. I'm new here. What is the probability of making $1500 a month eventually. Is this something achievable, and if so, how long down the road.
  5. Marcus

    Marcus User

    I made about 2400 a month all of last year and the first couple months of this year.

    Since about early April I have made about 1200-1300 a month. So my earnings were pretty much halved. I have some nice qualifications and masters so for me it would be easy to make 1500 a month if I spent a couple more hours a day working or if I actually did any surveys (dont really like doing them).

    It really does come down to what type of work you are qualified for and how effective you are at catching new surveys/batches before everyone else does. Ill tell you though, it took me a full two years to find my groove and earn any decent money doing this. Before then I did not take it seriously and did not work very effectively or with a purpose. Give it at least 6-12 months before you find out what works for you.

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