Can't Find Good HITs? 2/16

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by matt6887, Feb 16, 2013.

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  1. matt6887

    matt6887 User

    Whole lotta good batches yesterday, let's hope for the same today. Here's two to get started with.

    Title: Check/Find Executive Data
    Requester: x8 Data [AW6OKFW9O4LL0] (TO)
    Description: Given an Executive's name, title, and company, check or find the data in our database.
    Reward: $0.07
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​

    1200 up

    Title: Find the Domain (NOT Web Address) for Companies
    Requester: Oceanos Research [A3RYMN96RLLCXU] (TO)
    Description: Given the name of the company and address, find the domain (based on the URL). DO NOT enter the web address, just the domain.
    Reward: $0.04
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is greater than 1000, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 97
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​

    11500 here
  2. I'm working on my 26th hour straight. Fingers and brain are fried.
  3. Akwey

    Akwey User

  4. bondturker007

    bondturker007 Member

    Oceanos Research is a trustud requester or not, can we do his wrk without any fear.. this is the first time im wrkng fa him
  5. I received an email that Dustin paid the extra .02/HIT he said he would the other day.

    That was cool.
  6. The TO reviews are really good. My problem with these is they're nearly impossible to find - if at all. I realize the requester just upped the pay from .02 to .04, but these come with a don't-submit-too-many-N/As warning. How long am I supposed to search for nothing, only to either return the HIT or risk a rejection?
  7. Some catalog choice .03 hits up right now.
  8. ncbeachbum

    ncbeachbum User

    I went through about 80 of these, nearly half had no good domain or were wrong. Many listed to manta but their domain listed was wrong. I started searching then would accept if I found a good hit. Going to pass on the rest, too risky for me.
  9. Title: Answer 2 questionnaires: about internet use and emotional life
    Requester: Social Psychology Lab [AL2A9VI2UYDS4] (TO)
    Description: Two separate studies: internet use and emotions. Responses are anonymous. The submission of responses will be taken as permission to use these in research analysis and in resulting scientific publications.
    Reward: $0.30
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 90, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys ��[/size]​

    Will update with time.

    EDIT: Oof, has a 20-minute "go do something on Facebook" page built into it.
  10. I can do 10 Oscar Smith businesscard HITs - and get paid in half an hour - in the same amount of time I spend searching in an abysss. Why would I waste my time searching for nothing, when I could be making money.
  11. ncbeachbum

    ncbeachbum User

    Bingo. I keep my searches quick, I'm not going down the rabbit hole of "after 10 min I found it". If it doesn't show up in my search on page one, I'm moving on.
  12. I won't even scroll down the first search page. This job seldom pays not to find something.
  13. mahasathya

    mahasathya User

    Anybody got rejected for a survey by Lucius Caviola done on Feb 13 ?
  14. No (didn't do it), but what was the reason?
  15. lotkrotan

    lotkrotan A Space Man

    If you haven't done this yet this week it's easy:

    Title: Describe the foods you've eaten recently
    Requester: Sofia Wright [A365T86I7U87Z8] (TO)
    Description: Give a list of foods you've eaten in the past 24 hours and answer a few survey questions. Each worker may only complete one survey per week please!
    Reward: $0.21
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95, Location is US
  16. mahasathya

    mahasathya User

    he just rejected my work..i saw on TO that he has rejected someone else as well..just dont know what to do..
  17. Here's what I do: send back this one simple statement, "Please review." You'll either get an answer or you won't, but by bringing his attention to it the chances are likely he will at least run his eyes over it again and give you a reason.
  18. lotkrotan

    lotkrotan A Space Man

  19. mahasathya

    mahasathya User

    hmmm yeah..thanks...i have messaged him...lets see if he replies..
  20. Jenn27

    Jenn27 User

    I failed the test!!! BOO!!
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