Can't Find Good HITs? 2/1

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Grubbsy11, Feb 1, 2013.

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  1. tcgirl

    tcgirl User

    I have to agree. I refuse to do anymore Crowdflower hits. I have to wonder at the grading the test questions. Some are subjective and I can sit back and say "Ok, I can see that." But others drive me wacky!

    Same for grading other hits. Firefox and chrome have spell check! Use it! LOL
  2. Title: Data Extraction from Images of jeans (pants)
    Requester: Daryl Gordon [A27OPOW1HTU1SK] (TO)
    Description: You will see an image of a pair of jeans and you must transcribe all information from the tags/label/branding into the fields provided.
    Reward: $0.05
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 1000, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 80
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys ��[/size]​

    sorry if someone put this already
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2013
  3. justlookin

    justlookin User

    Forgive me noob question but what benefits are there to getting a Master's qualification..? You get pick of the best highest paying gigs I assume...?
  4. jTurker

    jTurker User

    No not at all. Its an arbitrary qualification that Amazon haphazardly hands out to people and only they know the criteria. Then they set it as the default for requesters so that all hits automatically require it unless they remove it. Its basically a small money grab by Amazon to make requesters think that they are getting the best qualified workers when in actuality there is no solid qualifications for attaining it.
  5. skyman

    skyman User

    Theoretically if you wanted quality just throw up a +20k and 99% requirement. That would eliminate most chaff better than a masters requirement.
  6. Sound

    Sound Member

    jTurker, thanks for that explanation. I was googling like mad trying to figure out what it was earlier today.
  7. jTurker

    jTurker User

    Quantity of hits in no way ensures quality especially when there are many that dont actually reject. Not everyone is content to sit and do thousands of penny hits.
  8. Dmillan

    Dmillan User

    I am one of those, that has made hundreds of dollars, but if you look at my approved hits you would say I don't know what I am doing. But the money I have made would say the contrary. The stats don't say everything about the turker.
  9. tcgirl

    tcgirl User

    I agree. Just because someone has done 20k penny hits that either no reject or so simple that the rejection rate is very low does not mean that the person has the qualifications for the type of work that you want done. Also it takes forever to get 20k of hits done when you have an internet connection as slow as mine. So I don't look for the quick hits. Most of the time those are the last ones I do. Slow days I end up cuing tabs of Checkout 51. :(
  10. tcgirl

    tcgirl User

    Absolutely agree. I got nailed with "The Public Group". Before them I had 100% with 3000 hits. Now I have 4000 with 98%. Wish I'd found you guys first!

    ** Would have been a lot worse if I hadn't stopped doing them. Normally I would have just kept on going.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2013
  11. Marcus

    Marcus User

    Basically, access to more batches of HITs and surveys. These tasks are not necessarily higher paying but since fewer individuals are qualified, some batches restricted to master workers might be available for 2-3 days. If the same batch (with the same pay) were open to everyone, the batch of HITs might disappear in hours.
  12. tcgirl

    tcgirl User

    I have a noob question. Do any of the requestors use "HITs Accepted: Submitted, Returned, Abandoned" for qualifications? I've been trying to keep the % up but with some requestors thats hard when they want you to return hits that you can't complete. (Irritates me when this happens because the hit is faulty.)
  13. MandyB

    MandyB User

    I don't believe it does, and don't think that they have an option to select that. I have a high return rate (12.3%) and never ran in to a HIT that asked for a certain %.
  14. tcgirl

    tcgirl User

    Thanks! I won't worry about that so much.
  15. There actually is an option to set a submission rate requirement, but I've never seen anyone use it.
  16. Quentin

    Quentin User

    2000 words
  17. tcgirl

    tcgirl User

    I might have actually had something for that.. But it's gone........
  18. Allikhat

    Allikhat User

    Delf has a new kind of HIT up.

    Title: Categorize a website
    Requester: Delf [A29POUYWV324R4] (TO)
    Description: Categorize the website into one out 20 categories
    Reward: $0.01
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 75, Total approved HITs is greater than 50, Adult Content Qualification is 1
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys ��[/size]​

    edit: and they're gone
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2013
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