2000+ hits 130$ 1 Day Can you dIG IT!

Discussion in 'Statistics' started by Playa_hamm420, May 11, 2012.

  1. Spidermmm

    Spidermmm User

    Wow really rocking playa..
  2. Thanks it was about 4 hours of non stop work to get to the 2000.. they were pretty easy hits just classify a webpage.
  3. rock turker

    rock turker Guest

    awesome and really appreciable, i guess your are from United States.
  4. Yes USA :D Thank you :D
  5. fantastic worker....CLAP CLAP :)
  6. Danthony

    Danthony User

  7. kitty12

    kitty12 Member

    Wow.... Amazing work.... good dedication...
  8. mturker938

    mturker938 Member

    who was the work for? O: I need to do about 50 easy hits to get my 98.5% back
  9. Was for requestor named Andy K
  10. Noliah

    Noliah User

    Yay, you! :D

    Tell me, did the type of hits and the amounts paid noticeably change once you went past the 2000 mark? I'm heading towards that amount myself and I'm really curious. Things got a little better as far as what type of hits I qualified for when I went over 1000, and then again after 1300, for some reason. I'd really like to know what to expect after I hit 2000.
  11. I hit 2000 hits AGES ago.. that was just 2000 hits in a single day.. I have over 19,000 hits submitted.. and no the pearly white gates have not opened up for me..

    I dont rember if i noticed much of a difference i was doing surveys back then so..
  12. Noliah

    Noliah User

    Well, then I guess there's no reason to keep trying to figure out a way to Turk in my sleep, is there? :p

  13. LOL nope now you just gotta find a way to sleep less and be awake and alert more.. I find energy drinks are my new addiction atm.
  14. aukxsona

    aukxsona User

    Andy K seems to be awesome, is he?
  15. He used to be i dont do his hits anymore since he chose to block me over drama..
  16. sudesh

    sudesh User

    @Playa_hamm420 ..
    my great work and my achievement in Mturk from India has to note...!![​IMG]
  17. thusharanoop

    thusharanoop Active Member

    Could you please tell me about the list of requesters which you normally do ? Are you a 24/7 turker?
  18. thusharanoop

    thusharanoop Active Member

    Hats off on your great work :)
  19. sudesh

    sudesh User

    No dude.. 16 hrs per day

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