Can't Find Good HITs? 1/10

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by ChrisM77, Jan 10, 2013.

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  1. nesler

    nesler User

    Wait, you've got nearly 1200 Rubin hits PENDING? Even if all of those were .20 hits... $240 PENDING!? Damn.
  2. nerdlaw

    nerdlaw Banned

    1200 rubins will eb a nice chunk of change!
  3. Scolex

    Scolex User

    I keep finding interesting-looking CrowdFlower batches, decide to try them out, and get completely turned off when the training mode says I get every other result wrong. I guess all I can do is tell them that it's wrong and give them feedback based on that. I can understand the reasoning behind employing such a system, but when I finish the training mode and it says my accuracy is like 69% and the "target" accuracy is 95% or whatever, I just stop doing them for fear of getting rejected.

    I'm sure tons of people do these. Anyone know if it's safe to keep doing them even with a low accuracy and just explain why I think (or, in some cases, know) they're wrong when they try to call me out, or if I should just avoid them?

    I did a bunch of the video sentiments the other night and those were quick and easy, but I had a similar issue where they kept trying to tell me I was wrong. I just shrugged half of them off and put comments on the other half. They were all approved but I also kept doing them until I had 98% accuracy from pure attrition because they were so quick. The ones they have up now take too long to just keep ramming them out to increase accuracy when I take a hit.
  4. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    it's just because they haven't been approving as fast as the december ones were... it's actually kind of annoying because, until they approve, i have almost nothing in amazon payments since my last withdrawal. but there's really no winning. too many pending = not enough money in my pocket, too few pending = not enough on the way. oh mturk...

    welcome to the wonderful world of crowdflower...
  5. nerdlaw

    nerdlaw Banned

    I blocked crowdflower from my search results for all those reasons, jsut too annoying for me. Would rather do Oscar Smiths,
  6. TAC

    TAC User

    I've haven't had or heard of an actual rejection. In some cases, if your accuracy score gets too low you'll get a message saying you can't do them anymore or something like that. That only applies to that one HIT, not any other ones.

    That's my experience anyway.
  7. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    Title: Feedback on promotional brochure
    Requester: Chris Myers [A2C7SY4SHNFMYV] (TO)
    Description: Review brief brochure materials, provide feedback, and then answer survey questions
    Reward: $0.90
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​

    almost perfect TO in 5 reviews...
  8. I've always been leery of doing their hits. Usually I'll do a batch of 10-15 now and then if I think they are easy enough/pay well enough... & I don't get too many answers wrong while doing their training.

    However, I have heard of people getting hits approved and then getting 1 rejection and then an email for a hard-block.

    I tend to avoid them because there doesn't seem to be much change in their hits/training questions in the past year. So it would appear they aren't listening to workers opinions/suggestions.

  9. TurtleTape

    TurtleTape User

    Am I really bad at these capchas or do they really just suck? I have to redo 90% of the ones it gives me. I just want to work on my classification batch and make a bit of money without having to retype a captcha three times, is that too much to ask?
  10. nerdlaw

    nerdlaw Banned

    I did a very similar one to this from them a couple weeks back, might even be the same one, i returned it just to be safe even tho it didnt say not to take it again. They did pay fairly quick the first time around though
  11. Hahaha I'm apparently really bad at them too. Sometimes I swear mturk is just trolling me. >_<
  12. MandyB

    MandyB User

    10 charrrrr
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2013
  13. nerdlaw

    nerdlaw Banned

  14. nerdlaw

    nerdlaw Banned

    David Mease recording Song Title hits from last night approving now, such an easy $9.90 that was
  15. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    doing all these medcrowds, arguellos and rubins the past few days, i've gotten so many captchas and sometimes they just seem to get rejected for no reason, even when i really take my time to make sure they're absolutely correct. then ones during two lakes and set masters batches i'll barely look at and get them right the first time. sense - they make none...
  16. TAC

    TAC User

    If someone grabs it before you complete the captcha, you'll get an error. Has happened many times to me, especially for HITs that lots of people are doing. No mystery.

    To bypass it, grab a NETMSI or something else so you can enter it without competition. Then go back to what you were doing.
  17. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    it's not the error about the hit i was viewing being gone, it's the message about not typing the characters correctly. in the middle of a smallish batch of course hits i got locked out for five minutes yesterday... really annoying, sometimes there's no possible way it's other characters and i still get rejected... and yeah, i use the netmsi strategy during really fast paced batches like set master/two lakes/cups (please come back)...
  18. nerdlaw

    nerdlaw Banned

    Thinking about trying some transcription for the first time, who was it that had the guide or whatever i cant seem to find it?
  19. TAC

    TAC User

    Guess I'm not clear.

    What I think happens is that while you are entering the code, someone can grab that hit because you haven't actually accepted it. So when you enter the code, now it applies to the next consecutive hit in the group since that particular hit is gone.

    I've seen this happen so many times especially with the KLIP videos. One video, have to enter the code, bam it's gone and I know the code was correct. Don't see how it can be anything else. But then some of the ways things are set up don't make sense...
  20. sasquatch

    sasquatch User


    i guess since i've gotten both errors while trying to enter captchas in batches i figured the error message actually referred to the reason that it was rejected, but i would believe pretty much anything as far as that whole system is concerned. still don't know why a platform that encourages people to do multiple short repetitive tasks and which limits the number you can have queued simultaneously uses captchas in the first place, but what can ya do...
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