Behavioral Lab Gift Survey

Discussion in 'General' started by dbc0217, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. dbc0217

    dbc0217 New Member

    Did anyone complete the gift survey back on 12/17 ? I completed the survey and I got paid $5 very quick. But, they also promised a bonus of $5 and $10. First bonus of $5 would paid for a survey completed for them sent to you via email. Second bonus of $10 would be paid for a survey completed by email by my wife after christmas. I know you are not suppose to give your email address. I have done several other surveys for this requester and have had no problems. I have also sent 2 emails with no response. I was just curious if anyone else did this same survey and did receive the 5 and 10 dollar bonus.
  2. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    It was stated in the first survey that the bonuses would be paid out sometime after January 7th.
  3. dbc0217

    dbc0217 New Member

    Ok, thanks
  4. Riddik78

    Riddik78 User

    Yeah, Cowfin is correct. It is to be paid after the 7th. Also, I emailed them because I incorrectly typed the email address for my husband and they emailed back pretty quickly. I'm not sure why they haven't responded to you.

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