Reached the 7000+ Approved HITs :)

Discussion in 'General' started by riazthemturkhelper, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. alian1980

    alian1980 User

    Congrats Riaz Bro, Well Done!!
  2. Thanks Bro...
  3. kayk111

    kayk111 User

    Good job, keep up the good work.
  4. thanks a lot....
  5. raeson

    raeson Active Member

    Congratulations :)
  6. Thanks raeson...
  7. Nice approval rating. :cool:
  8. rajveer10117

    rajveer10117 Member

    congratz mate....How much did you earn with the 7009 hits????
  9. ProUniverse HITS error msg....

    Hey thats great mate... Congrats!!!

    I am also not too far from what you have achieved. I am sitting on 6800+ approved HITs. Hope fully i would reach where you have... :)

    By the way i had come across a very good requester by the name ProdUniverse and have worked on over 50 HITs by this requester and all of a sudden due to some reason i am now unable to work on those HITs as i keep getting an error msg even before i could accept the HIT and when i accept the HIT the timer starts but the error msg just stays there and doesn't disappear. So do you have any idea as to why i am getting that error msg. Below is the error msg i get:

    Error occurred while processing the request, Expression questions[0] is undefined on line 33, column 32 in 938fa065-d3c7-40ec-8375-247a9760981b.

    So what does that mean. Can anyone please search for ProdUniverse HITs and accept the HIT and lemme know if you are getting the same error msg. Please. Waiting for your reply(s).....
    ;) :):cool:

    Thanks & Regards,
    Rahul J. Shetty
  10. Thanks STTS... :)

    some $220+ Not much... actually I am a lazy Turker... I don't like rejections... currently I got 148 rejections... 90% is from scamsters and also because of wrong rejections from CF and redwood and some other requesters due to their bad approval policies... I am targeting my approval rate to 98% so me doing only sure bet HITs... and also for which I am sure of the answers...
  11. Hi Rahul,
    I don't seen any problems with the HIT. Which HIT you were you talking about. May be that is a temporary error. Don't worry send a mail to the requester when you see something like that... I think that happens because some error in the code of the program for the HIT.. Good Luck Bro...!
  12. Well done Riaz bro
  13. vkn2007

    vkn2007 User

    Hi Riaz,


    V. Karthikeyan
  14. Thanks brothers...
  15. ram

    ram Member

    good work keep it on............

    U r the rocking star in the forum Great....................
  16. Thanks ram from a RAM (Riaz Abdul Majeed) :) Good to hear that... Like to help anyone... just send a mail... and I will be ready to help :)
  17. worker21

    worker21 Member

    I had aprox. 10.000 hits aproved:D 9000 were from RER! Earnings=495$, time:2 months ...I couldn't do more hits because my account was blocked:(
  18. You mean your account is suspended?
  19. alian1980

    alian1980 User

    I guess, you are saying that you are not allowed to work on the RER HITs now, right? If that is the case, Yes they block the user once they have reached the threshold of $500 - its got to do something with their taxation and US tax law, due to which they do not allow any worker more work then $500.

    Hope it answers your questions. By the way, good job in reaching 10000 so quickly. You mmust have really slogged the last 2 months to touch 9000 RER hits:)

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