Can't Find Good HITs? 12/15

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by marcialoyd, Dec 15, 2012.

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  1. Punki

    Punki User

    "Please note: If you volunteered time or money, thank you! BUT, you will not need to complete any tasks or forfeit your money. Your account will be credited the full $0.50 regardless of what you pledged to donate."
    I was actually feeling nice and put up a donation. IT LIED TO ME! lol
  2. Wonderful approval rate!
  3. Weezy

    Weezy Banned

    any good batches up?
  4. nooooooooooooope! What a shitty day.
  5. mikey

    mikey User

    I am pretty cautious about what hits I do especially batch hits. It's actually possible to get back to 100% even with rejections, there are a couple people on the forum who have done it. I forget what percentage you need before it rounds you up to 100% but IIRC it's pretty ridiculous and not likely to be attainable for most. Honestly just keeping it above 99% seems to be the most important thing.
  6. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    I barely finished level 1 then the timer stopped on me. I don't care, I submitted the HIT anyway. He shouldn't reject if you can't beat it.
  7. Woot! Yeah, even being careful with your HITs, it's hard to keep it that high. I applaud you.
  8. Weezy

    Weezy Banned

    any bad batches up that pay nothing but are super quick? :p
  9. I have heard a couple of times that it is 2k approved per rejection to get back to 100%, but I'm not sure how accurate that is.
  10. mtnsurf

    mtnsurf User

    For all the newer people that have been threw the holidays threw turk do all that you can. Its not uncommon for the hits to drop as low as 40k on a holiday or holiday weekend and takes a while to recover.
  11. aphotic

    aphotic User

    This is correct. I had 2 rejections and when i hit 4000 approved, it pushed me to 100% approval rate.

    Unfortunately, I tried a handful of Guru HITs a week or so ago and they all rejected. No reason and no response to e-mail, so I won't be seeing 100% anytime soon.
  12. dextux

    dextux User

    Around Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving day we were fortunate to have Matt Rubin HITs! Still my favorite requester so far.
  13. Not that I've seen. I'm sure the silly CFs are up somewhere, but I tend to stay away. I'll keep an eye out. I just hopped back online after seeing how slow it was earlier this morning. Let's help each other out and make this a rockin' day!
  14. smorganie

    smorganie User

    I go away for a month and I come back and have no idea who you people are..

    I suppose I picked a bad time to return too.. damn
  15. Leave, outsider!!
  16. awol

    awol User

  17. ntucker1

    ntucker1 Banned

    Claritrans keeps putting good batches up :)
  18. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    don't worry. Santa is going to bring us hits
  19. paulstead

    paulstead User

    Well hello there.:wave:
  20. prothis

    prothis User

    Gotta love those followup questions that don't properly account for your answer.

    "How often do you attend atheist religious services?"
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