Personal List Of Requester(Reapter)

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by Reapter, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. Reapter

    Reapter Member

    This list is made for the U.S primarily only.

    Fully Trusted - These are ones I have personally done multiple HITS for and can attest they are valid quick and reliable.

    Accepted Hits - These are HITS that I have done at least one for and are most likely reliable or have only one study and such to be done. These generally pay better on average but are highly limited.

    Rejected But Valid - These are HITS that actually have a valid reason to reject and aren't clear scammers or anything of that nature. I will include reasons given for these.

    Scammers - They will reject you for no reason keep your work and more. Or they ask for personally identify info or money.

    Pending - These are ones who take FAR to long to approve or reject. These can be on the list for up to a week or more for the most part. They might be valid or not, but most likely aren't worth doing.

    Fully Trusted HITS
    - Redwood

    - CrowdSource

    - CastingWords

    - CrowdFlower

    - Webs Image Filter

    - Peter Meier

    - Adult Image Review

    - ProductRnR -(Trusted now. They take roughly 4 days to approve or reject.)

    - Tagasauris -(Trusted now. They take roughly 4 days to approve or reject.)

    - CUPS Research Lab at CMU - (Paid .55$ on survey, Good communication.)

    - Web News Source - (Trusted for forum communication. Any issue with them message Southeastturk and tell me.)

    Accepted HITS
    - Arla - (Paid .25$ on survey)

    - Gracy P. - (Paid 1$ on survey)

    - Invention United

    - ETH DeSciL - (Paid 1$ on survey)

    - L.Y. - (Paid .81$ on survey)

    - Rebecca J. Brand

    - Ryan Kopf - (Paid .08$ on image review)

    - Adult Cognition and Emotion Lab - (Paid .20$ on survey)

    - Catalog Choice

    - ProBoards, Inc.

    - Oscar Smith

    - SpeechInk

    - Psychology Research Lab - (Pays 1$ on survey)

    - David Mozealous - (Roughly 4 day approval)

    Rejected But Valid
    - Adult Image Review(This was due to instructions not being covering everything enough but they are 100% valid)

    - Brain Miller

    - Gillian Gallagher

    - Sylvia G. Hager

    - Kenneth Fountain

    Pending And Dates Submitted
    - xemper - Submitted April 1, (1 Pending)

    - CC Survey - Submitted April 2, (1 Pending)

    - EZCrowd - Submitted April 2, (34 Pending)

    - Movie Enquierer - Submitted April 3, (1 Pending)

    - J. Spenader - Submitted April 3, ( 1 Pending)

    - Tarje Gaustad - Submitted April 3, ( 1 Pending)

    - Clients - Submitted April 5, (1 Pending)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2012
  2. Reapter

    Reapter Member

    Reserved Space

    * Space Reserved in case first post runs out of room *

    - 4/5/2012 - ProductRnR - Moved to trusted ~ 4 day approval.
    - 4/5/2012 - Clients - Added to pending due to 1st submission.
    - 4/5/2012 - Tagasaurus - Moved to trusted ~ 4 day approval.
    - 4/5/2012 - David Mozealous - Moved to accepted. ~ 4 day approval.
    - 4/5/2012 - CUPS Research Lab at CMU - Moved to trusted due to good communication.
    - 4/5/2012 - Web News Source - Added to trusted due to communication in forum.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2012
  3. evan3585

    evan3585 User

    Thanks for this!!
  4. Reapter

    Reapter Member

    No problem. Eventually once I am no longer daily capped I am going to just do random singles due to having enough padding for rating to get a greater idea of what's valid and what's not on the site to add to the list.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2012
  5. Thanks for the great list. But I have got not good results from Redwood. They have got a bad method of auto approval that affected my submission and got rejected wrongly. So I am away from them. I contacted them and they apologized to me and given me some bonus. I got the bonus :), but my approval rate went down... :(. So all balanced, I will not do their HITs anymore.. until they stop their auto approval methods...for checking the answers...
  6. Reapter

    Reapter Member

    How many did they flag wrong for you and which ones? I only did roughly 10 of theirs that were all accepted for "Transcribe a Short Audio Clip (~10 seconds)" and "Review a short transcript(< 10 sec)". All got accepted although one of those was literally my own audio clip I was reviewing. They don't pay enough for me so I really don't bother with them anymore but I can easily see a online troll just flagging the audio translation wrong for no apparent reason on the review portion.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2012
  7. gabriel

    gabriel Active Member

    ProductRnR moved to trusted? How the heck?
    I could prove with screenshots they firts accept a lot, then suddenly reject in mass with no reason ("low acurracy" - supposedly, but no way)
    From the experience of many other workers here on forum and my personal ones, the conclusion is clear:
    Here you are their dirty practice: 1. Accept in masses in order to get your trust. 2. Keep your works to their benefits when you after submit another large bunch, and reject a lot to elude the payment.3 Never they bother to reply to anyone, treating us as slave on plantation!
  8. You are very much right. I blocked that requester forever.
  9. gabriel

    gabriel Active Member

    I forgot to mention ClassifyAdimage act in the same manner, even worse. I'm talking here from my proper experience and turkopicon just confirm it.
  10. gabriel

    gabriel Active Member

    And how it's possible that Reapter's good opinion about them?! Maybe he didn't yet submit the second bunch (lol)
  11. Yes I posted one about them. And after that experience I blocked them too. :)
  12. gabriel

    gabriel Active Member

    Hey man, be aware it's a jungle out there! ProductRnR is a cheater maybe you are happy now because you did't yet submit another bunches of hits to them! Stay away from ProductRnR if you don't need working hard to repair your approval rate!
  13. goodtaste

    goodtaste Member

    Thank you for sharing your experience! I have only been doing this for a couple of months now and I got scammed twice already. But ever since I got the Turkopticon and started visiting this forum and theirs, I'm doing okay. What's up with Tagasauris? I tried to do a hit by them and the photos I was supposed to tag were in German! Could that have anything to do with the fact that I'm bilingual and have done some translation jobs? Will they automatically assume I understand other languages that are not the two I speak? I've been baffled by this and have not dared to do their hits anymore, because I had to return the German ones. . .

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