Can't Find Good HIT's? 12/1

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by rek0nize, Dec 1, 2012.

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  1. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    $2.40 bonus in from HCL Research. Dont remember which one this is but I'll take it.
  2. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    I emailed mike about the protected ones, and he told me if I'm unsure just put the email in. So that means he won't reject us for the ones we already turned in, I'm assuming.
  3. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    morning people!
    i swear i thought i was going to wake up and all the rubins would be gone, but it seems like there are even more than when i fell asleep!
    this has seriously been the best week since i started...
  4. rivetboy

    rivetboy Member

    Hey does anyone know with Mike Lazarro, if the site is locked up due to non-payment or whatever, is it no email or bad URL??
  5. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    hey my hits seem to be paying out now. it's just extremely slow but i'll take that over them not going anywhere at all! that scared me lol thought my account was stuck or something before you posted about the $500 month thing.
  6. granit

    granit User

  7. MandyB

    MandyB User

    Thank you for the people that were in my group!! :) Everybody had the same intention :)

    Received email: You've received a bonus from HCL Research for work related to 2B3RGNTBJ3MPDI4QFGE6AKHBD639VL.
    The value of your bonus is: $2.40 USD

    The Requester included this note:
    Thank you for participating You contributed 40 cents and your group as a whole contributed 160 cents. Thus your total bonus is 240 cents.
  8. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    nice. guess we won't know if it's because of that, or just amazon being lazy...
  9. PapaWolfie

    PapaWolfie User

    Good morning, everybody. I can't be on for too long, I gotta go give an orientation. But let's make some money!
  10. Nikki

    Nikki TOTM

    On this Matt Rubin Hits.. what do u guys do if you cant find the course? Do you still submit the hit, or return it
  11. No one is talking today?

    Anyone working on any batches other than the Mike hits... Im getting tired of them.
  12. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    apparently babies ARE objects according to people doing these redwood hits!!
  13. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    i'm doing redwood and mike. redwood doesnt have much left tho. i keep getting the "no jobs available something something" message
  14. SupaDupa

    SupaDupa User

  15. granit

    granit User

    You've received a bonus from William Minozzi for work related to.
    The value of your bonus is: $0.50 USD

    I think that was a $0.25 survey. Nice :D
  16. danndemann

    danndemann User

    Answer an academic survey (up to 15 min)

    Requester: Ernest Baskin Reward: $1.00 per HIT HITs Available: 1 Duration: 2 hours
    Qualifications Required: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 90, Location is US

    Took me 13 mins
  17. kyina69

    kyina69 User

    Ok this was lame, had to answer two questions to qual for it. I know for a fact both where correct and it tells me I did not qualify. I even looked up the questions after they said I did not qualify to verify I was correct. LAME
  18. chevymama2

    chevymama2 User

  19. Nikki

    Nikki TOTM

    Same here lol
  20. Dweaver

    Dweaver User

    Anyone got their mike hits accepted yet?
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