Mass Rejection

Discussion in 'General' started by thesnoozyone, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. thesnoozyone

    thesnoozyone Member

    Just got hit with mass rejections from a bad TO 'Classify AdImages'...Please avoid..I'm down to 94.5% and falling...So bummed...
  2. swiftkick

    swiftkick User

    This is a tough requester. You must be 100% accurate or they will reject. Sorry about your bad luck!
  3. prakashkl

    prakashkl User

    I have stopped working on these hits 6 month back. He played a major role in bringing down my rate from 99 to 95. Now slowly making up....Never repeat the mistakes
  4. thesnoozyone

    thesnoozyone Member

    I hear you. I'm doing trash hits to get it back up. I plummeted to 89% now i'm back up to 94% in one day. WOO! all day project though, and no payout!
  5. pieper

    pieper User

    I, too, got slammed the other day...I was working so hard to move my rating up to was my own fault, but still...

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