Repair/How to Figure?

Discussion in 'General' started by GRRL, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. GRRL

    GRRL Member

    Suppose I get 100 rejections. How do I figure out how many approvals I need to regain my previous Approval Rating?

    Because I did get 104 rejections, and although I have completed more than 1000 approved HITs, my rating is still not what it was before.
    I had about six thousand approved, with a 99% approval; then the 104 rejections---all from same guy---and the 1000 I have done since then has only nudged it back up .2%
    This sucks.
    Does anybody know how to figure how many approvals it takes to regain previous rating?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2010
  2. Tiger

    Tiger User

    You want the 104 rejections to be 1% of your sum of approved + rejected Hits.

    That means that you need 10400 approved + rejected Hits for the 104 rejected ones to be only 1% of that sum.

    So, if you now have 7000 approved Hits + 104 rejected Hits, you need 3296 more approved Hits to get back to 99%. (If you don't get more rejections in the meantime.)

    7000 + 104 + 3296 = 10400.

    Was that easy to understand? :confused:
  3. GRRL

    GRRL Member

    So, I did the algebra.
    Yes, I see that I have to do a horrifying, disgusting number of approved HITs. make up for the 104.

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