Account Suspended....

Discussion in 'General' started by Venkates, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. Venkates

    Venkates New Member

    Hi all.

    My account has been suspended. Still I didnt got any mail from Mturk regarding the Suspension. Last week only I got the hard Block from Garth. In 3 months before i got 2 blocks. But i didnt got any warning mail about the suspension from mturk. And another thing i can see my accounts page & my hits are approving.But If i try to go to Hits page it shows" My account has been suspended.
  2. The hits will still approve but your account has been suspended due to having 3 blocks. I would fight it because garth blocked almost everyone who did his hits. For some people it was also their 3rd block and they got suspended but they contacted amazon and got it fixed. Search for garth threads it msy help. Good luck
  3. Venkates

    Venkates New Member

    Thanks for your reply. I already sent the mail abt garth . I am waiting for the reply...
  4. I emailed them the day I got blocked from Garth and never heard back from them then Yesterday at 2:00pm they suspended my account no email nothing still have not responded to me yet
  5. somoore

    somoore Active Member

    I wonder why a worker is only given 3 chances / blocks and suspended but yet a requester with so many complaints lodged against he/ she are able to continue submitting work?
    If so many workers are being flagged by one requestet and he/ she had no qualifications on hits that should raise red flags with mturk!!!!
    I know I would be questioning why so much negative activity from one requester off a certain hit!
    Pretty sad when there is no value in a worker or better yet workers work to over look crappy requesters....dollar only goes so far.
    Just imagine mturk decides to continuously ban workers for odd reasons who will do the work? Despite mturk being top of the rankings for making money online, you only stay on top by taking care of all your peeps...not just some!!
    Has to be some sort of compromise with 3 strikes and your out policy for workers... that's just crazy...specially when rules are distorted!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2012
  6. chuck_h

    chuck_h User

    MTurk Workers are Disposable Components

    Because there is an excess supply of workers and a limited number of requesters. You've got maybe a few score or a few hundred requesters putting up work for tens or hundreds of thousands of workers, with more workers piling up at the gates and waiting to get in. In this wildly unbalanced equation, workers are an eminently disposable commodity.

    Requesters pay MTurk's bills, because the work will always be done by somebody. The requesters are MTurk's "peeps", the workers are easily replaceable components.
  7. DeepaRaj

    DeepaRaj Active Member

    You ve got any reply from Mechnical turk team about ur Suspension?
  8. Moutheater

    Moutheater User

    Anyone have Garth's Email?

  9. From another thread. I hope this helps, and good luck!


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