Is it possible to withdraw money this way?

Discussion in 'General' started by Turkseller, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. Turkseller

    Turkseller New Member

    Hi, colleagues :)

    I need your opininon. I live in in, like, Europe, and the only way I can withdraw earned from Mturk is to transfer $$ to Amazon Payments balance.

    Of course, there are some things I would like to buy on amazon, and some of them are cheaper than here, but... mailing, waiting... It`s easier to go to the local store.

    Now what I think, could I just sell accounts with money on it with some discount to USA or India residents who can simply transfer money from it?
    (Or somebody else who would want to buy it, of course).

    For example, I will have $1000 on Mturk balance, and sell this account for like $900.

    And use electronic money like WebMoney (PayPal isn`t working what way in Russia) with protection (when buyer transfers money, I can`t get them until he checks my account and changes password, than unfreezes it)

    So, my general questions are:
    1 How do you think, would it be possible to sell accounts with discount like 10% or similar? (I think earning e.c. 50$ in less than 30 minutes would be OK for turkers?)
    2 Would it be possible to get extra money for account with a lot of qualifications passed and good statistics (2%> rejected HITs etc)?
    3 What problems could occur during that "operation"?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2010
  2. OptiTurk

    OptiTurk New Member

    Hi Turkseller,

    I have been thinking about the same, but I am not sure about the protection you mention. So I think I'll keep my hands off this. But in theory there should not be a problem. They even have a link 'Change your name, email or address' on the My Account tab.
    So you're from Russia?
  3. spamgirl

    spamgirl Member

    This is against Mechanical Turk's Terms of Service, you may not sell your account.

    On top of that, you must register an account with your true information, which includes your address. Once you've done that, they cannot add a bank account in the US or India. If you sell them the account they can't do anything with it.

    Next, if you sign up as a US account you must submit your tax information at the end of the fiscal year. If you're not from the US, obviously you can't do that. Your account will be shut down if you don't and then you can't sell it to anyone.

    (And somewhere in the process, be it adding a bank account or registering, you now need to add a Driver's License or the Indian ID card who's name I forget. If you don't have either, you can't do it. Also, you can only use a Driver's License or the Indian ID card on one account.)

    I'm not from the US or India either, and it sucks, but I buy everyday items on Amazon which keeps my personal bills down and ends up working out in the end.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2010
  4. Turkselller

    Turkselller New Member

  5. cxn805213098

    cxn805213098 New Member

    I suggest the hitter pls send a request to amazon company.pls allow non us and indian people withdrawal from mturk account.this is not fair not fair not fair not fair not fair
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2010
  6. cxn805213098

    cxn805213098 New Member

    I suggest the hitter pls send a request to amazon company.pls allow non us and indian people withdrawal from mturk account.this is not fair
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2010

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