Is there a way to view how many people Accept a HIT?

Discussion in 'General' started by themturker, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. themturker

    themturker Member

    Sep 17, 2009
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    Is there a way to view how many people Accept a HIT?

    I know theres a way to limit how many people submit a HIT, but is there a way to limit how many people accept a HIT?
  2. justfight

    justfight User

    Feb 1, 2009
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    Yep, there's one way that I know & how I wish I could have answered your question!!! Unfortunately, I can't reveal the answer as currently I’ve been sworn to secrecy. Hope you understand my position & this info proves to be useful/helpful to you!!!!!!


    I'd hereby like to clarify that I never ever post anything here with the intention to offend anyone; but if anyone is, then it's not my fault (if anyone feels that reading my posts can hurt their feelings, simply skip reading my post/posts. That's the only solution, at least till I'm banned here, that I can suggest). No portion of any of my posts is meant to offend anyone. I've just added my thoughts on this issue, which are unlikely to be liked (or likely to be disliked). My intentions, as always, are purely innocent, & those who find it to be otherwise are merely a victim of misinterpretation of my post. In that case, if someone is to be blamed; it's anybody but me. Hope I've made myself clear enough.

    So, I take it in advance that everyone here agrees with the following:

    MYSELF: Are we clear?
    YOUR RESPONSE: Yes, sir.
    MYSELF: Are we clear?
    YOUR RESPONSE: Crystal.
    #2 justfight, Sep 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2009
  3. lightdark

    lightdark User

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Every time someone accepts a HIT, it count's against the total, until returned or abandoned. You'll get an email 'Your Daily Requester Activity Report' containing some of this info.

    With one HIT wanting 20 results, only 20 people can accept it at a time. If 10 are submitted, then only a total of 10 can be accepted, if none are in play.

    Since Mturk tries to get you results, there's no need to worry about people accepting and returning. If you worried about your content for some reason, you need to use custom qualifications and or make the HIT private until accepted.

    I don't know what you are trying to do, maybe with more info there would be a better answer.
  4. themturker

    themturker Member

    Sep 17, 2009
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    1. my HIT takes a long time, and I dont want person A to accept the hit work on it for a long time, and then before they submit it, Person B submits the last one, wasting the person A's time.

    2. My first email report on a small HIT resulted with 2 submitted HITS and 90 accepted (according to the email report). Is this a normal stat? I feel like I am doing something wrong. So i would like to tweek my settings and design while instantly monitoring the people who accept it.

    3. If I want to close a HIT early to leave my office, I dont want to waste the hit someone is in the middle of. If someone just accepted the HIT, I would like to give them enough time to submit it.
  5. lightdark

    lightdark User

    Feb 20, 2009
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    1) That will not happen. The accepted amount can not be higher than the total allowed. However, if someone starts working on the HIT in preview mode, never accepting it first, then yes their work might be in vain.

    2) There are a lot of accept first, then return workers. Since good HITs disappear fast, many workers will let their return rate increase, instead of possibly loosing the chance to work on the HIT. So they'll accept, then read it, then figure it's too hard, pays too little for them, takes longer then assumed, or simply something they don't want to do and promptly return it. If you only allowed 2 results, you ended up good. The other 90 just passed it up for whatever reason.

    3) The best practice would be only allow for the results you are wanting and willing to pay for. If you want five results, and only three came in so far, just wait till tomorrow to see if the other two get filled. I'm guessing you are trying to be prompt with approvals, some workers might just have to wait a little longer. So it a HIT is getting filled, don't just cancel HITs for your convenience. People could be working on the HIT, or saving the HIT, if you allowed ample time, for when they can work on it better. :)
  6. themturker

    themturker Member

    Sep 17, 2009
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    thanks I apprecieat the help.

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