I fainted after I read this

Discussion in 'General' started by NDP, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. NDP

    NDP Member

    "Pay well so you attract the best workers. The additional cost is more than offset by the reduction in time consumed to manage poor or fraudulent work. My rule of thumb for ‘paying well’ is to pay better than $10/hr. This means, doing one of my own requests and determining how long it takes to do it right, then applying this table to pricing which equates to about $0.17/minute."

  2. Shego

    Shego User

    Somebody should give this person a medal. I'm still writing requesters and chewing them out for paying badly. Some reply and some don't but hey, I'm doing my part...lol
  3. jibbs

    jibbs Member

    Yeah 17c per minute would be Turker-Heaven, but at that price only those with a fast internet connection and a high-end computer would ever snag one of those HITS.

    Just think how fast the penny HITS from Mobicious dissapear, now.

    But Shego is right, some of these Requestors, do need a swift kick in the keister, sometimes to remind them just who is "boss".

    Without us they are nothing! Nada. Zilch.

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