New Mturk Account Rejected

Discussion in 'General' started by martin46, Aug 31, 2012.

  1. He thinks I was rude? I guess it could be construed that way but what I post is MY opinion. How I see it. Use that great LIL ignore button somewhere in your settings. Of course since you cannot make a new mturk account cause you are a screw up you might as well just go away.. Now that is being rude.
  2. RWStein

    RWStein User

    Sweet!!! :p
  3. Athena

    Athena User

    I'd argue that this is some high-quality trolling, if that's what it is.
  4. sathir

    sathir User

    Hello Friend,
    Scammers are found all over the world. Do not blame all Indians. There may be other reason for not approving new accounts.
  5. martin46

    martin46 Active Member

    Pls find my comments above.. i wrongly mentioned something on there... pls check it and reply me pls :)

    Martin S J
  6. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    LMFAO! You are a piece of work. Fucking scammer. Go the fuck away!
  7. I do believe my post specifically says Indian and OTHER WORKERS mmk :)

    Perhaps a bit more comprehension before calling me out on something I didn't say.
  8. LOL Yes I imagine you did 'wrongly mention' something didn't you? LOL Mentioning you're a sleazy scamming fraudster is usually not the wisest decision. Buh-bye now.
  9. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    Dammit where is the like button around here!
  10. We really need one!!
  11. 786

    786 Banned

    If your mturk registration is rejected I can help you register a new account.
    I see many Asians facing this problems now a days.
    Contact me via PM.
  12. RWStein

    RWStein User

    Please stop!!!!!

    Really! Seriously!!!

    Helping a SCAMMER?!?!

    Where is the moderator here? This crap can mess mTurk up for everyone! And this kind of posting can damage mTurk Forum's reputation!!! NOT COOL! :mad:

    Please stop!
  13. 786

    786 Banned

    Did i said any thing wrong.
    Helping other to register is not a crime.
    Mturk is for worldwide use.
    Mturk pay for the work you provide so it can not be a scam.
  14. RWStein

    RWStein User

    You are offering to help a person who is obviously trying to SCAM mTurk! That is not cool. Read through the thread... It is one thing to offer to help a user with policy and procedure. It is another completely to offer to help a person who is obviously SCAMMING to get around the system and make another account!
  15. 786

    786 Banned

    Why don't you understand that even if a person makes another account, he is paid only for the amount of work he does.
  16. petegq

    petegq User

    So what is the point of 2 accounts
  17. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    You're obviously running some kind of fraud scheme here...that's the issue
  18. Why don't YOU understand you are a scuzzbucket???

    Holy fucking flaming balls I'm sorry I am usually mild mannered but WTF is in the damn water the last few days?????

    Amazon is not approving new overseas accounts for a REASON. If you have an account on Amazon that got suspended/banned/cancelled/el finito'd obviously it got that way for a REASON. You are offering to help someone who is trying to commit FRAUD which means you are an accessory to committing FRAUD. Please GTFO this forum before making yourself look more like an asshat.

    -throws in the towel-

    WTF is wrong with people.
  19. 786

    786 Banned

    I would be happy to know what kind of fraud scheme I am running.
    I offered help to the people who are desperate to get back on mturk.
    It that what you call fraud... ?
  20. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    These people have been rejected from Amazon, so you're going to somehow magically get them accounts? How are you going to do that and why is it so secretive?

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